Ring Any Bells? Part 5

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After I got off the phone, my next task was evident. I could no longer parade the streets of the City of Flowers as a student from Night Raven College. For tonight, I had to be a Lady of the Valley of Thorns.

If I wanted to act the part, I needed to dress it as well. Out of my casual clothing I wore for the day, I magicked a sleeveless forest green jumpsuit and silver shoulder chains. My hair was elegantly styled into a braid and decorated with crystal hair ornaments. My crystal necklace, promise ring, and friendship bracelet were the only things that remained as they were.

I reminded Leona and Vil they were not obligated to remain with me. They could enjoy the rest the City of Flowers had to offer and not worry about this artifact thievery business. We were supposed to be returning to school tomorrow morning. I wanted to give them the opportunity to relax and enjoy the weekend like they were supposed to. The events of today was not what they signed up for.

Regardless, the two dorm leaders refused to leave.

With the guys walking beside me, I guided us to the town's largest museum. I showed the overly large uniformed guard at the door our tickets and he allowed us entry. Not only had zia Maddi managed to get floor seats to Tahlia Breeze's concert, but also private access before the grand event of the evening. We could get a first glimpse at the rarities on display before any one else did. I wanted to use this opportunity to my advantage.

"We have the whole museum to ourselves? Nice," Leona looked around. "Your family truly spared no expense, huh?"

"That's my zia Maddi for you," I said. "She's full of surprises."

Vil asked in confusion, "That's great and all, but why exactly are we here? Aren't we supposed to look for the Bell?"

"Rollo wanted to look for the Bell for himself, so I'll let him do what he wants," I said. "We're here on our own business: to ensure nothing else has been stolen. If the thief crosses our path, we stop them."

"So we're on a stakeout," Vil nodded as he walked towards one corner of the room. "Sounds like a plan."

I walked around to each display case, marveling the many relics I had read in storybooks as a kid. A sword which had been secured in a stone for centuries and could only be wielded by a true king. A medal with a lightning bolt, believed to have originated from the Era of the Gods and could grant the wearer incredible strength. A hand mirror with intricate metallic details around the glass showed the user any sight they wanted to behold. A lotus comb, once belonging to the fiercest warrior in the Eastern countries, allowed those who wore it to look like another person. A lantern with a sun painted on its parchment cover that could light any path in darkness.

I wanted to marvel at the beauty of every single magical artifact. Though, it was hard to when I sensed to magical signature coming off of any of them.

As we examined each display case, Vil recalled, "While you were on the phone, you mentioned earlier something about a Paradise Crystal. What is that?"

"I was gonna ask the same thing. You sounded pretty spooked about it too," Leona joined in. "Is that some old witch's tale?"

I shook my head, "It's no just an old witch's tale. It's something I hope we will never have to find."

Centuries ago, on a large island on the Coral Sea, resided a thriving kingdom whose name could not be found in any book. To the inhabitants, it was called the Kingdom of Paradise. The island was filled with rarities the richest monarchs could only dream about. The people wore the most lavish of clothing and hosted the most extravagant parties, However, greed corrupted the people's hearts, including their ruler's. They always sought to find ways to expand their territory. They would conquer other smaller islands nearby and even challenge larger empires.

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