Ring Any Bells? Finale

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Like Malleus said, he brought me to Black Scale Castle to be treated for my injuries. The Queen remained by my side the whole time, barely acknowledging her grandson's presence.

Malleus extended the invitation to Leona and Vil, but neither of them had interest taking another trip after their little adventure. After all the drama they got put through, they deserved a break. Vil said he had idea for a plot for his movie and wanted to start working on it right away. Leona was curious about the other artifacts presented at the City's museums and wanted to explore more. I certainly wasn't going to disturb their fun.

Though, we would meet back up at a designated point in the City and leave together to head back to school, just like we originally planned.

As for the two perpetrators....thanks to some healing potions, Rollo and Lochlan returned to their normal selves. I'm sure things were much more peaceful at Noble Bell College with their student body officers petrified as crystal status. From what a law enforcement official told me, proper disciplinary action was administered for the both of them. For once, I had no curiosity in learning what happened to them. But knowing Rollo and Lochlan were out of my hair for good gave me a peace of mind.

However since then, it had been meeting after meeting. The noble families of the Valley of Thorns. Law enforcement officials in the City of Flowers. The Vitale coven. Museum executives and directors. Everyone had to be on the same page. Some were unsatisfied with the punishment granted to Rollo and Lochlan. Some wanted compensation for the stolen artifacts, despite being returned in their original condition.

There was constantly someone I had to talk to for Great Seven knew how long. By the end of each day, I did not want to engage in further conversation with anyone, not even Grim or the ghosts.

Malleus was a tremendous help through it all. He sat with me through each meeting, no matter how long it lasted. If things were starting to escalate, he would intervene and soothe the atmosphere. He made sure I took breaks in between and properly fed myself.

I felt like I would have lost my marbles had he not been by my side.

Luckily, the last order of business we needed to attend to was much lighter compared to the rest.

The double doors to Diasomnia parted open. Arm in arm, we walked in. I was grateful to find Silver, Sebek, and Lilia as the only occupiers in the lounge. My black and silver dress, which coordinated with Malleus' own formal suit, was enough of an attraction today as we walked through the main town.

"My Lord and Lady, welcome back," Sebek greeted us.

Lilia glanced at the clock, "You two are back quite early. How did it go?"

"It went really well," Malleus guided me to one of the couches before he took a seat beside me. "Cassandra was quite brilliant."

Although all the stolen artifacts had been returned to their proper places, the Paradise Crystal would never find its way back home again after it was turned to dust. Since the stone was under the authority of the Coral Sea, it was only appropriate for us to meet with one of their officials.

Malleus and I received the address of one of restaurants on Port Crane, the harbor on the most western portion of Sage's Island. The entire establishment had been emptied out, allowing us a private conversation away from prying ears. I imagined seeing a group of old diplomats waiting for Malleus and I.

I was pleasantly surprised to find Prince Rielle excitedly waving to us from a corner booth. His memory of me from the Leadership Conference made our discussion much easier. With the delicious food and warm ambiance, it felt like I was meeting a friend for lunch.

In the end, we concluded the Crystal's destruction caused no harm to either party. It was a relic the mermaids never wanted to concern themselves with since the day the Kingdom of Paradise was engulfed by the ocean. The sole reason they stood up to the task was because no one else would. Now, it was a burden lifted off of their shoulders.

"I was under the impression the Paradise Crystal was a priceless treasure. They're truly accepting the gem's destruction?" Lilia asked in astonishment.

I said, "After we explained to Rielle the circumstances and the situation, he was very understanding."

We were speaking the truth. The Paradise Crystal was destroyed during the fight.

We just left out the part where Malleus crushed the gemstone with his bare hands....which I was still impressed by.

"I'm relieved to hear everything went well," Silver said.

Malleus looked to me, "Before I forget, did you still want to set up that date?"

I looked at him in confusion before I noticed the sparkle of playfulness in his eyes, "Seriously?."

"How about going to the theater? Or maybe to the bookshop?"

I rubbed the side of my temple, "Moon and stars above..."

"Did something else happen?" Lilia asked. "I thought the meeting went well."

"The meeting went excellently," Malleus explained, "On our way back to school, Cassie and I stopped for a cup of coffee. After we left, she realized the barista wrote his name and number on her cup with a little smiley heart. I think he was smitten."

"The gall!" Sebek exclaimed. "To make a move on My Lord's Lady?! You must've been boiling with anger, my liege."

"How could I be angry?" Malleus laughed. "I guess it's only a natural reaction when one crosses paths with an enticing lady. I found his attempt rather adorable." The prince rested his arm on the couch's headpiece and leaned back. "What say you, Cassandra? Are you going to call him?"

"In case you need a reminder, you're mine," I brought out my left hand, ensuring he saw the two intertwined silver bands. "You're stuck with me, dragone."

He tipped his head back in laughter at my response. He tenderly caressed a finger along my cheek, "Truly flawless, my lady."

"Oh! I have a question."

"I may have an answer."

I adjusted myself in my seat, remembering one thing from our trip, "Do my eyes briefly turn green if I'm angry?"

Malleus' brows scrunched together, "Who told you that?"

"Leona," I played around with my ring, "During our trip, he said that if I'm angry, my eyes would turn green for a moment...and no one told me before. I wanted to know if I do that all the time-which I'm sorry and..."

He took my hand in his, gently stroking the back of my palm,"Kingscholar is partially correct. Your eyes will also turn green when you're excited or when you get a new idea. I found it adorable. I haven't told you because I feared you would learn to control it and it would happen less frequently."

"You're so cute."

"As cute as that barista?"


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