A Royal Gathering Part 7

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"How's that not Cassie?" Jackie looked at Cassie and Malleus. The two of them were taking a break from the dance floor to chat with some other students. Though, Malleus had yet to utter a word in their conversation.

"I used my unique magic and it didn't work," Isabela began to fiddle with the charms on her bracelet as a means to calm herself down. "This has never happened before and I-I don't know what to do."

Isabela's unique magic, As Old as Time, allowed her to see the history of anything she touched. She could see the journey it took as if it were a movie. She would use it on objects, but rarely on people. When Isabela touched Cassandra, she was supposed to see the recent events of the day through the other witch's perspective. The three of them getting ready for the ball. Her winning the glass slipper scavenger hunt. Even her and Malleus walking arm-in-arm to the gymnasium. Instead, she saw nothing.

An idea occurred to Leona, "It didn't work...or something's blocking it." He glanced again towards Cassie, who continued to smile at the individual she was speaking to, "Whoever that is doesn't want to get discovered."

"Excuse me, have you guys seen Frederick?" one of Royal Sword Academy's students, Lucas, came by. "He missed the first dance with Cassie and he's supposed to give the closing speech and I can't find him anywhere."

The witches only shrugged, and he kept looking through the crowd.

Hearing Frederick's name being brought up, Leona remembered how the student body president easily triggered Malleus' possessive instincts. He also recalled how much he bothered Cassie.

"So, a pampered prince ain't here and we have a possible fake witch on our hands," he concluded. "I don't know about y'all, but this is sounding awfully sketchy."

Isabela thought, "You think Frederick did it? He seemed so nice."

"It's the kind ones you need to watch out for. And if he did something to Cassie-"

"What about Cassie?" someone next to them asked. Rollo.

Jackie waved him off, "When we need the opinion of a grandpa-headed-bowl-cut wizard, we'll let you know."

"I saw her earlier. She came out from one of the walls."

"Didn't we-wait what?" Isabela's hopes and fears began to rise. "What do you mean by that?"

Disinterested in participating in the social event, Rollo went wandering about in the halls of Royal Sword Academy. Though, everywhere he turned, there were students chatting with one another. Several couples took advantage of the darkness the corridors brought to create their own romantic atmosphere.

He turned a corner, to spot two walls parting and an individual coming out. Cassandra. Though, something about her seemed...off, to say the least. There wasn't the same intimidating, yet alluring air Cassie's presence held when she walked into a room. Rollo looked at the individual and noted the overconfidence on their face. He found the arrogance nauseating.

Jackie questioned, "Okay, seriously, what's your deal with Cassie? Why're you so obsessed with her?"

"Wouldn't you have noticed two massive walls opening up? Besides, I was talking with her earlier," Rollo pointed to the imposter Cassie, "I found it how unusually kind she was being."

Isabela urged, "We need to find her before anything else happens."

"Well, then why're we all standing around here for?" Leona began to lead the two witches towards the exit of the gymnasium, "The clock's ticking."

Jackie was surprised at Leona's sudden initiative, "You want to help us find Cassie?"

"The last time she was in trouble and no one helped...she made sure no one would forget. I'm not gonna be on the receiving end of her wrath again."

"Is Cassie that terrifying back at school?" Isabela wondered.

"She's got all seven dormitories under her command and will put someone in their place with just one look. What'd you think?"

While finding the real Cassandra was Leona's primary goal, he was secretly intrigued to know what this clean, prim and proper wizarding school hid underneath its flawless exterior.

Jackie then suggested, "We need to let Malleus know about this."

The group turned towards Malleus' and Cassie's direction, only to find the Crown Prince wasn't there. Cassie began to search through the crowd until she ran into Rielle and the two started to chat.

"Great, now we've got a lizard to find," Leona grumbled.

"You don't need to find me," Malleus stood beside the group, nearly giving them a fright. Jackie quickly explained to Malleus their theory, and he nodded his head in agreement. "I had a feeling it was something like it in the beginning, but now this seems like the only possible explanation."

"How'd you know it wasn't her?" Isabela asked. "I had no idea until I used my magic and Leona pointed it out."

"When I held her hand, it was unusually warm and dry. Cassie's are normally cool and soft."

Leona said, "Oi, Malleus. Don't expect me to save your tail if you get in trouble."

Malleus placed a hand to his chest, "You're worried about my safety? I'm touched, Kingscholar."

"I just don't like doing more than I have to."

"Is that also why you have Savanaclaw students running around doing things for you?"

"Unlike a certain someone I know, I don't make others wait on me."

"Okay, ladies, ladies! You're both pretty," Jackie stepped in between the two dorm leaders. "We have to find our friend. Now."

Isabela and Jaqueline wanted to find their friend as quickly as possible, but they were uncertain whether or not to trust Rollo's words. Cassie had told them how much the student despised witches. What if he had set up a trap?

However, if Rollo was indeed speaking the truth, it would mean Cassie was being held somewhere in the school away from all eyes. Finding this supposedly secret entrance could cost them time they did not have. The dance only had a couple of hours left.

They began to brainstorm ideas. Rollo could not remember the path he took in order to see the walls parting. No one in the group had performed a tracking spell and they did not want to experiment with their time constraint. Isabela suggested informing one of the teachers, especially Headmage Ambrose. However, Leona doubted how useful Royal Sword Academy's staff would be.

"We don't have any proof to show them Cassie's been taken," Jackie mentioned. "They're not gonna believe us."

"Which is even more reason for us to find Cassie quickly. But how..." Struggling to think of a solution, Isabela began to fiddle with her charms on her bracelets. Her fingertips grasped the one shaped like the compass. It gave her an idea.

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