Just Kidding Part 7

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Trey: I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?

Me: Grande Sette....

Me: What's the good news?

Trey: We finished the antidote.

Me: And the bad news?

Trey: When Rook and I were transferring it into bottles. Trein came running in and he was waving around Vargas' wand. Coach came in shortly afterwards and tried to get it back. Apparently Trein has been running Vargas ragged all day.

Trey: Vargas said he's the worst behaved kid he's ever seen.

Me: Don't tell me...

Trey: Long story short, a bunch of magic got cast and made a mess of our work...including the antidote.

Me: Are you guys okay? Did you get hurt?

Trey: We're fine. Though, I don't think Vargas and Trein will be as soon as Mr. Crewel finishes scolding them. But the antidote...

Trey: Yeah...I'm really sorry Cassie. Rook sends his apologies too.

Me: It's not your fault.

Me: Thank you, the both of you, for doing everything you could and working so hard all day.

Trey: We're going to try again tomorrow morning after resupplying with some ingredients.

Trey: Are you heading back to your dorm?

Me: I'm in Diasomnia. I'll finish what I started and check on them real fast before I head back.


I had not even stepped inside Diasomnia and I could already hear laughter. For the first time during this whole day, I did not dread what I would find.

Stepping inside, a smile spread across my face at what I saw. dozens of bedsheets had been intricately arranged in Diasomnia's lounge to create an area of tents. All the furniture had been removed to allow pillows and blankets to invade the space. A lengthy, winding path going between each tent had been lined with fairy lights. Forget a pillow fort, this was a pillow palace.

Sebek chased after Silver with a small wooden sword in his hand, "I'm gonna get you!"

"No you won't!" Silver, also equipped with wooden weapons, quickly hid underneath one of the sheets.

"I got you both!" Lilia popped up from behind and wrapped both of his arms around them. They laughed as they struggled to free themselves.

"You three look like you're having fun," Grim observed. "Can I join?"

"Grim! Cassandra! Perfect timing!" Lilia finally released the kids and allowed them to run free. "The more the merrier! Wanna join?"

"Heck yeah!" Grim jumped and belly flopped onto a pillow.

"I'm guessing things have gone well?" I assumed.

"Things have gone very well. It brings back wonderful memories," Lilia tossed aside his dorm uniform's jacket and rolled his sleeves.

Despite our frequent interactions, I sometimes forgot Lilia's role in Silver's upbringing. He also played a major role in Malleus' and Sebek's childhoods. He never ran out of stories to tell about the three students when they were children.

I uncovered one of the tents, "Is Malleus playing too?"

"He's in the kitchen. He insisted on handling all the cooking and cleaning while I took care of the kids. Perhaps you could use your magic and convince him to take a break as well."

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