Brave Enough Part 1

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"But you can't leave!" I complained.

Malleus fixed the sleeves of his uniform's jacket, "We both have an early start tomorrow morning."

"That's why sleepovers were invented! Please? We haven't even had dinner yet."

"I had lunch a bit late, so I'm not feeling hungry yet. You deserve to get a good night's rest," he cupped my cheeks and softly pressed a kiss to my forehead. "I want to thank you again for helping me look over all the details. How about we go to that café near the antique bookshop for breakfast tomorrow before we depart?"

I sighed in disappointment, "Fine. But I want you to actually get some sleep though, okay?"

"I promise," Malleus gave me one last embrace as a goodbye. He reached for the doorknob, but twining vines sealed his exit. The fairy prince was unfazed, "I was beginning to wonder why it was so easy to bargain with you. I should've known better."

"I'm glad to see you were aware of that. Now, if you use magic to go back, be prepared to deal with your guards and Lilia...and your entire dorm."

I gave them specific instructions to not allow Malleus inside the dorm until I told them to. Some residents were easier to convince then others.

"Turning all of Diasomnia against me is a form of treason. I hope you're aware of that."

"Well, in order for it to be treason, I would actually have to be part of Diasomnia. Since I'm not," I grinned. "I'm innocent."

His arms folded in front of his chest, "What sort of a game are you playing?"

"A game where whatever I say goes. You're not going anywhere until I'm done with you."

He took slow strides towards me. His infamous smirk plastered on his face, "Has my fate been sealed then?"

"It has."

He stopped. His chest was less than a hair length away from my face. "Tell me, what will happen if I choose to be noncompliant?"

"That's a very dangerous thought to have, Malleus Draconia. You of all people know very well what happens to those who incur a witch's wrath."

"Indeed. I've seen how you can bring someone to their knees," he gently pushed a hair away from my face. His eyes shone like peridots, "Is that something you'd like to see me do, Cassandra?"

"What I'd like to see you do is put these on." A set of clothes appeared in my hand.

Though confused, he accepted them, "For what reason do I need to change?"

"Because I made plans for this evening and you need to be in something comfortable."

"My uniform doesn't fit your standard of comfortable?"

"Just go get changed."


"Don't 'Enchantress' me. You're going to get changed and come back in the lounge in five minutes, capisce?"

He slightly bowed, "As you wish, my lady." He walked back down the hallway and shut the bathroom door behind him.

With him out of the room, I got to work.

Skincare products and other beauty tools were laid out on the blankets spread out across the floor. Lavender and vanilla scented candles were lit and placed in each corner of the lounge. The lights were slightly dimmed, and the curtains were drawn shut. A small spell was cast on the piano to play some soothing music. The coffee table was filled with an arrangement of steamed chicken soup dumplings, roasted vegetables, and berry lemonade. I would take the mango sorbet out of the freezer a little while later.

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