Brave Enough Part 4

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"I-I don't understand," Margaret paced back and forth in a panic. "She was just here! She was here yesterday!"

My hand ran along the wall. I tried to sense for some sort of hidden compartment or any trace of magic. Nothing. Instead, I found a folded-up piece of paper with Margaret's name on it.

Hello there, lass! I have left for the wood carver's festival and will not be back until the end of the year. There was one thing I forgot to mention about the spell. At sundown tonight, it will become permanent. Unless you remember these words: Fate be changed, look inside. Mend the bond torn by pride.

That will undo the spell.

That's it!

Have a good day! :)

The witch knew we were coming here. 

Quite a strange one they were. 

I showed Maggie the note and she nervously crumpled it up in between her hands. "How could this happen...?"

"We're going to figure this out," I covered her hands with mine and tried to get her to refocus. "Mend the bond torn by pride.... That's how we will reverse the spell."

Though, I was at a loss for what the solution could be. From the looks of it, to undo the magic, there was no need for antidote or counter spell. But something had to be done. Something to sew what had been reaped between Margaret and her father. I just hoped the Lady of the Arto clan some clue about what the witch was referring to.

She then got an idea, "There's a tapestry back at the cottage we were staying at. My dad and I have been working on it together for months."


"Last night, we had a huge fight a-and before I ran away and found the witch, I.....I tore the tapestry."

I began to connect her thoughts, "You think if the tapestry is repaired..."

"Then my dad will turn back to normal!"

Not wanting to delay any further, Margaret and I rushed out of the cottage and mounted our horses.

We were about to take off in the direction of the town square when I looked at my wrist. Before we split up, I made Celeste, Karina, Margaret and myself a bracelet made of lilies for us to communicate with each other. It blossomed a red flower. Maggie and I hurriedly changed our course.

I followed the essence from my ladies-in-waiting's bracelets. The pull towards them became stronger. Their weapons were on the ground. Celeste was carefully assisting Karina to stand again.

I jumped off my horse and rushed towards them, "Celeste! Karina!" 

They sharply turned their heads in my direction, "Lady Cassie!"

"What happened?" I examined their injuries. Karina was using her hand to cover the large claw marks running across her arm. Celeste had minor scratches and bruises, but they were numerous.

Karina swallowed as she brought herself to stand up, "I-I think...we found Lord Andrew."

The two of them were cautiously walking along when they crossed paths with a monstrous black bear. They tried to see if they could communicate with him, if Lord Andrew still retained some of his consciousness even as a wild animal. But the bear's only response was a physical attack. With Celeste and Karina injured, the bear left. 

Maggie looked around, "Where'd he go?"

"That way," Celeste pointed. It was the way we came from the field of the Games.

Feeling my stomach twisting itself into knots, I tapped into my bond with my familiar. Through his eyes, I could see the chaos that had broken out. Three black bears ran freely throughout the grounds. The competitors had drawn their weapons and prepared to attack. The last thig I saw before I withdrew from the connection was Queen Maleficia and Malleus stepping forward.

"Margaret, I think your brothers are in trouble," I said. "Malleus and Her Majesty are handling it, but-"

"You should go," Margaret cut in. "Her Majesty and His Highness will need your support. So will my brothers."

I stared, dumbfounded at what she was suggesting, "I can't leave you alone out here."

"Yes, you will. Prince Malleus and the Queen don't know those are my brothers and I don't want anything to happen to them. I beg of you," she pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes, "You have to go help them."

Celeste and Karina insisted on staying behind as well. They saw their mission to find Lord Andrew as incomplete. More importantly, the sun was starting to lower itself over the horizon. It would be a waste of time to argue with any of them. I used a sufficient amount of magic to treat the worst of their injuries, but not enough to compensate their stamina. 

I left my horse with them and transported myself to stand in the center of the game field.


The Imperial Guard had the three loose black bears cornered and restrained by all four limbs. The competitors of the Games had drawn their weapons and prepared themselves for a fight.

"Stop!" I yelled. Hundreds of pairs of fairy eyes froze on me. Grim hurried to my side and wrapped his paw around my leg. The contestants lowered their weapons and kneeled.

Malleus made quick strides and took me in his arms. He looked me over in concern, "Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay, but you can't harm them. Those are Maggie's brothers."


I corrected myself, "Lady Margaret."

I explained to Malleus and the Queen our discoveries. After I finished, they asked the contestants to drop their weapons and desert the field. Though, the guards kept their tight grasp on the three animals.

I looked to the Queen, "Your Majesty, if I may?"

She gave a slight nod of approval.

I walked towards the three bears. I noticed the look of recognition in their eyes as I got closer towards them. Their struggling stopped. Their grunts became whines. Who knew how much longer they would still act like themselves before the mind of a wild animal took over.

I placed my hand on the earth and allowed passion flowers to grow around them. A light breeze aided their golden pollen to encircle the bears and lull them to sleep. The fairy bystanders allowed themselves to come closer to the snoozing animals.

I asked Grim, "Any word on the coven?"

"I found Rowena. She's at the estate along with some other witches. They're trying to see if there's a way to reverse the spell."

"We only have until sundown and-"

A thunderous roar made Malleus wrap an arm around me. The fairy guards and contestants grabbed hold of their weapons and huddled closer to each other. 

I looked to see at the surprise guest of the Games. Another black bear. One much larger in size in comparison to the three. 

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