Chapter 27 - Unforeseen Circumstances

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(Third Person POV)

The kingdom of Midgar buzzed with excitement as the Bunshin Festival approached, drawing strong warriors from all corners of the world. The air was charged with anticipation as competitors sought to test their strengths and claim the title of the strongest.

In the heart of Midgar, within the Mitsugoshi Trading building, Cadian found himself in the midst of the festival fervor. Gamma stood by his side, reveling in his presence. The atmosphere inside the building hummed with the energy of warriors gearing up for the impending challenges as they bought whatever knick-knacks they could find in the department store.

As Cadian looked around at the diverse crowd, he turned to Gamma with a curious glint in his eyes. "Is there a particular warrior you're looking forward to seeing in the festival?"

Gamma's response was accompanied by a soft caress of Cadian's shoulders, a gesture that carried affection and a hint of possessiveness. "The only warrior I'm interested in seeing is you, Lord Light~," she said, her voice laced with a playful tone that made Cadian laugh.

"Ah, always the flatterer," Cadian remarked with a grin, appreciating Gamma's unwavering support, the bond between them was more than just that of a master and servant. 

To Cadian, Gamma was one of the few people he trusted without second thoughts, seeing her more and more like his on-call secretary. And as for Gamma, well, I'll leave it up to your imagination.

"Let's move on to the reason why I'm here. But first, we need a more private space to talk."

"Of course, we can have the discussion in the interior hall," Gamma said as she led Cadian to the private halls only reserved for the members of Shadow Garden.

Cadian and Gamma walked through the bustling interior of the Mitsugoshi Trading building, the air filled with the hum of anticipation and the distant echoes of warriors preparing for the Bunshin Festival. As they ventured deeper, Cadian decided it was time to discuss his plans for the festival with Gamma.

"Gamma, I need you to relay my plans to the rest of Shadow Garden," Cadian began, his tone serious. "As I have mentioned before, I will be entering the festival because I was invited to participate due to me winning my last tournament. I have plans to show my power there, to make the people know more about the young star named Cadian. And I want Shadow Garden to not let any members of the Diablos Cult interfere with my plans, and to be on standby in case I want them to do something for me."

Gamma nodded, her eyes reflecting understanding and loyalty. "I'll make sure everyone is well-informed and ready for whatever comes our way, Lord Light."

Just as they reached the inner hall...

"Yo." They were surprised to find Cid waiting there, a peculiar request on the tip of his tongue. He approached Gamma with a hesitant smile. "Gamma, I was wondering if you could help me with something. I need a disguise to enter the Bunshin Festival."

Gamma furrowed her brow, a mix of curiosity and skepticism. "A disguise? For what purpose Lord Shadow?"

"I can't tell you the details, Gamma. It's just something I have to do." Cid sounded, or, acted like he was serious.

Gamma pondered for a moment, and then a glint of inspiration sparked in her eyes. "Wait right here. I might have an idea on how to help you."

She left the hall briefly, leaving Cadian and Cid exchanging puzzled glances. Cadian couldn't help but be intrigued as he leaned toward Cid and asked, "Why do you need a disguise to enter the Bunshin Festival, Cid?"

Cid looked at Cadian with a glint of excitement in his eyes. "You see, Cadian, I want to join the festival as an unknown weak-looking knight. The mysterious figure with hidden, overpowered strength that no one can anticipate! It's a classic trope, and I want to live it down in the Bunshin Festival. Imagine the stories, the legends that will circulate about the unknown warrior who appeared out of nowhere and triumphed over all!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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