Chapter 15 - Academy Raid

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(Third Person POV)

"Goddamnit! Classes are already over, so why can't we go home yet?!"

"The teacher said there's going to be a speech about the student council elections. The candidates, the vice president, and the president will be coming here."

On this mundane afternoon, we hear Cid's two unnamed friends in their classroom, because let's face it no one really cares about who they are and that they are just gag characters, bickering over the fact that their precious dismissal is postponed due to the semester's elections.

"Cadian's coming here huh..." Cid apathetically commented. "Let's just get this over with already."

And on cue, the doors to their lecture room open as a few individuals enter the said space. There were the candidates, and most importantly, Rose who entered elegantly, and Cadian who was looking happier than usual, his guise recognized by his younger brother.

"Dear students. I'd like to thank you for giving us your precious time here today. We'll start the election candidate speeches." Rose announced.

'Still giving off that heroine aura I see.' Cid yawned without care. 'I bet her speech is going to be long as hell. I'll just ignore whatever's going on. But other than that...' He focuses his vision on Cadian who was standing nearby Rose.

The brotherly look managed to grab Cadian's attention for he felt an ominous pair of eyes staring at him. He knew who the gaze belonged to as he then stared back at Cid, the two now locking in their signature visual conversation. 

'What's got you feeling all jittery now?' Cid started the conversation through his sights.

'I see that you've noticed my expression.' The older brother smirked. 'Care to take a guess on why I'm feeling like this?'

'Don't start that shit here with me. Just spill it.'

'Well then, to tell you the truth, I'm feeling a bit gleeful because I've been presented with an opportunity that might expand my center of control of the kingdom. And possibly other kingdoms as well.'

'Oh? And what's that opportunity supposed to be?'

'I'll tell you in due time once Mother finalizes the list. Only then will I explain to you the full details.'

'Wait, Mom is involved? Actually, you know what, I don't care. As long as you tell me another time.' Cid gave up, wanting to do some light magic training to pass the time. 'So you're now running for president this year?'

'For my third year, yes. It's all for publicity and all that jazz. I'll just rip off one of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speeches and be done with it. But in the meantime, I'll-'


As the two converse, both of them sense something odd, really odd. Their expressions went from relaxed to alert as their senses were going haywire, feeling the ominous vibe that suddenly looms the two of them.

'...did you feel that?' Cid brought the topic to the table. 'I can't emit magic..'

'You're right, something or someone's disrupting the flow of magic.' Cadian scanned the whole room discreetly. 'Not just that, something's coming closer. Wait, could it be-'


No one was prepared as an explosion occurred on the wall of the side of the room, causing debris of wood to spread out throughout the entire classroom, disrupting the presidential speeches entirely. Everyone was startled by the explosion, and as they look over to the clearing, they see silhouettes emerging from the smoke. And as it clears, people wearing robes of black holding swords made their presence known, striking fear in all the students.

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