Chapter 12 - Cadian and Light

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(Cadian's POV)

"Would you stop dragging me already?!"

"I'm not in the mood to listen to you! Now come on! We're not about to keep Princess Iris and the Vice Principal waiting!"

Now you may be wondering as to why Rose is dragging me like a ragdoll through the academy halls, well let me explain my friends beyond the fourth wall! It all started two days ago.

Yes, the night when I, Cadian Kagenoh, successfully introduced the highly acclaimed hero, Light, to the world! Explaining just how much thrill I felt during that night would take hours upon hours of words to be expressed. Everything went exactly as I had planned, and now the beginning of my legend has finally started!

And the day after that was spent lavishing myself. I deserved a reward after such a successful operation after all. I treated myself by basically staying cooped up in my dorm room, writing down the next steps and tasks of Light's exploits while delighting myself through some sweets and spicy food. 

And yes, I basically skipped class but hey, I don't really care. Besides, I already asked for permission from my instructors. And well, convincing them that I was experiencing a bad stomach ache was easier than I thought.

And today, I had planned to do the same. Everything went well, that was until Rose saw through me instantly. Oh boy, the news of me skipping yesterday felt too odd to her. I swear, at this point, she's starting to act more like my mother than as a close friend. Ruining my ever-so-deserved rest day!

"Sorry, we're late!" Rose slammed the door to the meeting room open, catching the attention of everyone inside. 

"Oh don't worry, we were just about to start." The old man, rather, the Vice Principal calmed Rose down.

As I scanned everything inside the room, I saw the other people we were supposed to meet. There's the Vice Principal, Princess Iris, Princess Alexia, a big gruff knight, and some other young woman that I don't... wait, isn't that Sherry Barnett? The Vice Principal's daughter is also here? Now, this should be interesting.

"Take a seat, it seems that Miss Rose here had a hard time bringing the young goof of a prodigy." Iris joked, embarrassing Rose.

Enough said, we both took a seat around the square table and began the meeting.

"So, I'm sure that you must all be aware of the multiple attacks that occurred in the capital two days ago. We're currently focusing all our efforts on investigating it. And I've come here today to enlist the help of the Science Faculty's brightest." Iris explained. "I understand that you are hailed as the number one intellectually gifted prodigy in this academy. I was hoping you could help me learn something new. What do you say, Miss Sherry Barnett?"

'Ah, right. Sherry was the smartest first year in this school year.' I recalled as I look at the said girl.

"Well, It would take some time to decipher this. The writing on this artifact. These are ancient runes." She said while holding some sort of necklace with a strange pendant. "But the text itself has highly sophisticated encryption. Where did you find something like this?"

"It was left behind at the remains of a base belonging to a religious group called the Diabolos Cult. It's our only lead connecting to this incident."

'One of the cult's artifacts? Interesting...'

"The truth about the explosion that wiped out their base, as well as the reason behind the kidnapping of Princess Alexia are both mysteries. That's why I was hoping we could learn something if you managed to decipher it." Iris furthered.

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