Chapter 16 - In the Case of Sherry Barnet

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A/N: This chapter is longer than usual, and the same will be said for the next chapter. Reason being is because I want this arc to end so I can cover the more interesting arcs. Besides, I know you guys like longer chapters~

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(Third Person POV)

The situation regarding the Midgar Royal Spellsword Academy can only be described as dire. With the fakers who pretended to be Shadow Garden now dubbed as the black coats coaxing the entire academy and staff, the whole students were now under their deadly care holding an iron-clad rule over them. With a goal unknown to anyone but themselves.

With the anonymity of magic unable to be emitted on the grounds, the Crimson Knights were in a deadlock on what to do. So only a few on campus decided to do what they could and protect the students as much as possible.

Despite knowing how futile it is for them to do so without their magic.

As for the rest of the Crimson Knights, they were stuck outside the campus, trying to develop some plan to rescue the students. But suffice it to say, they weren't making any progress.

Rather than that, some few individuals inside the academy had other plans...



"What's going on out there?" An older-looking Crimson Knight talked with a younger member knight inside the library of the academy.

"It seems we're under attack! They're spread all over the campus." He reported.

"Hm... we need to move carefully now that we can't use magic."

"Do you think that they're after the artifact?"

The two look over to their side and saw Sherry, who was in a deep trance trying to decipher the said artifact on a table littered with countless books and reference papers.

"Could be. This is the worst time to disturb her concentration."

The young first year was hard at work, her eyes bouncing from her rune ciphers and her reference guide on ancient ciphers. It had been a rough few days for Sherry, there was a huge responsibility on deciphering the artifact that had been entrusted to her. Paired with the support and aid from Iris and her foster father the vice principal, she was deadset on figuring out and completing the job.

" way! This is... could it be?!" Sherry gasped at the breakthrough she had encountered. "Oh my. I need to decipher this as fast as I can! Just a little more!" The drive to complete her work is even stronger than before as she started writing faster, and the Crimson Knights were proud of her efforts. 'I'll see the truth behind this artifact! I'll see the direction this-'


Her concentration broke as the windows in the library broke, causing the knight to be alerted to whatever caused such an event.

"What's this?!" The younger knight drew and pointed his sword at the appearance of a person.

"We are... Shadow Garden..." The cloaked person muttered. "Or uh... was it Shadow Guardian? Eh, who gives a shit." He then turned to the two knights ogling at him. "I'm the great Rex. Rex the Riveting Rebel!"

"Eek!" Sherry cowardly took cover under one of the tables.

"Shadow Garden? I've heard the rumors." Mr. Young Knight recalled the utterance of the group's name before.

"What are your goals? Do you think you can get away with an attack on this academy?" Mr. Older Knight threatened.

"Yeah, I'm sure Shallow Garden will have a hard time after this. As for our goals, no idea! I can't remember shit!" Rex comically laughs.

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