Chapter 13 - Faux Shadow Garden

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(Third Person POV)

It was a beautiful, clear night in the capital of Midgar. There was peace, but the peace could only last for so long. There were only a few people who knew the actual situation that will inevitably plague the entirety of Midgar. And among those people was one man named Cadian, and his alter ego, Light.

"Now show me, cultists. What are you up to?"

Light stood atop a tall building, gazing out at the twinkling lights below. He could see for miles in every direction, and the city seemed to stretch on forever. He remembered why he was scouring through every alley of the city, and it t hasn't even been three hours since he went chocolate shopping with Rose. He wanted to scout the area for potential activity from the Diabolos cult, so there was no rest time as any event is an opportunity to expand his dark heroism.

As he looked out over the city, he felt a sense of awe and wonder. He had always loved being up high, looking down on the world below. It made him feel small and insignificant, but also powerful and in control.

Light took a deep breath and let it out slowly, savoring the cool night air. He could hear the distant hum of the gentle breeze and the occasional sounds of the trains and carriages, but it was peaceful and quiet up there.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small notebook and a pen. He flipped to a blank page and began to write, pouring his thoughts and feelings onto the page.

"It's day three since I introduced Light to the world." He recorded the events he experienced as a reference for future operations. "As of now, no noticeable and important events have transpired. From the info Nu gave me before I left, I learned that there are hooded figures posing as Shadow Garden. Their aims are unknown, as such, further scouting must be accomplished."

As he wrote, he felt a sense of clarity and focus. The city below was a never-ending source of inspiration, and he felt grateful to witness it from above.

After a while, he put away his notebook and pen. He took one last look at the city before turning to make his way back down to the busy streets below. As he was making his way down, the sounds of clashing of metal enter his ears.

"That doesn't sound peaceful." With a smirk, he rushes amidst the shadows to where the sounds of fighting were held.



Now posted above the complex where he heard the incessant sounds of battle, he was surprised to find that the ones fighting were Princess Alexia and a bunch of hooded figures.

"Ugh! It hurts so much I can't move." Alexia sounded really hurt. "Please no! I don't want to die!" She yelped as one hooded figure moved to strike at her, until-


"Like I'd ever say that for real. Thank you for lunging straight at me fool!" Alexia kicked the figure in the gut as she sliced across his chest with her sword, felling the foe.

'Underhanded tactics. Nice, she learned well. Although...'

"Well, who's next?!" She turned towards the rest of the figures. 'I can do this. I'm the better swordsman here. My wounds can be healed with magic too. I can just defeat them one by one!'

As she reveled in the fact that she had the capacity to take them on, rustling sounds emerged from behind her. She quickly looked back and then saw the downed foe she thought she defeated, dead close to hitting her with his sword.

'No way! How can he still move!' She thought it was too late as she couldn't react in time to the assailant's attack. And right as the sword could strike her face.

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