Chapter 10 - Prelude to Dawn

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(Third Person POV)

Following the warnings from the letter he had received, Cid wandered through the forest path behind the academy in the dead of night. Seeing as this was the most painstakingly obvious ploy to murder him, he decided to take the bait and have a little bit of fun for the prelude of his demure event.

" where are they hiding?" He looks around to find anything of interest, and not long after, he finds a particular point of interest. "Is that... Alexia's shoe?"


With the mention of her shoe, the bushes behind rustle before revealing two unimportant-looking knights.

"Hey there lover-boy, what are you doing with the princess' shoe?" The cocky one spoke.

"Ohh-wee, Is that some magic residue I feel there?" The ugly one added. "So you were the culprit after all, Cid Kagenoh!"

'Finally, something fun.' With that thought, he decided to play along. "C-Culprit?! No, I was called here by someone..."

"We already have our proof. You can't take your way out of this!" They both draw their swords at him. "You could've spared us the trouble if you just fessed up before!" They both charge at Cid. "Cid Kagenoh! You're under arrest for the kidnapping of the princess!"


One stopped his assault as his leg was cut clean off.

"AAARGH! MY LEEG!" He writhed in pain as he dropped to the ground.

"Y-You! What did you-" The other didn't finish as his neck was cut, a spew of blood spraying all over the other's face.

"Eek!" With his leg gone, he could only look at Cid who had wiped the blood off his blade. "S-Stay away! If they find us dead, everyone will know it was you! By dawn, you will be a dead man!"

The lowly knight warned, but Cid paid no mind to his threat as he only looked on at him with a fearless gaze. And Beta, idling nearby, was fangling over his poise as she drew the scene she witnessed.

"He's so cool!" She quipped as her hand drew and drew on her illustration book.

"Perhaps they will, but there's nothing to fear." Slime particles hover over Cid, shrouding the entirety of his body as it forms into his signature cloak. "By dawn, all will be over..." with a single slash assault, he kills the guard with ease.

He stops and flicks the blood off his sword, and as he did, he heard the sounds of battle not too far from him. Shadow looked to his right and felt the immense pressure of bloodlust pouring out as well as the crazy expense of magic that laced the air.

"Looks like Delta started her rampage." He comments. "Let's go, Beta."

"Y-Yes Lord Shadow!" She eagerly stood by her side.

"Nocturne begins..." The night was now ripe for their plunder.



"O-Oh god! What the hell are you!"

"Stop! What did we ever do to you!"

"Help m-"


In one of the hideouts of the cult, the cult guards were helpless as a beast woman tore through them with no mercy. She slashed everywhere around her, causing blood to paint the floor and walls. With a grin so menacing that it scared everyone there shitless, she continued to rip and tear. She was known as Delta, one of the Seven Shades of Shadow Garden.

The Light in Abyss【OC Story】✵The Eminence in Shadow✵Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz