35 - ৩৫

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"You cheated on her?! That's absurd Mingyu." I spat.

"I didn't cheat on her! I don't even remember anything I was so drunk. The only thing I remember was waking up on an unknown bed with a girl I don't even like."

"So you think your drink was spiked? And you did not do it deliberately." I enquired.

"Yes. And why would I cheat on Yoohyeon. I love her" Mingyu explained.

"Did you two talked it out?" Mingyu shook his head in denial.

"The only thing she said to me after the incident was BREAK UP and she did not listen to a single thing after that" Mingyu said. "Oh my- and you did not tried."

"I did! I tried so hard but she always cut me off. I got angry and then I started having flings to make her Jealous" Mingyu confessed.

"That's stupid. It only hurt her more." "She doesn't even cares. Why do you think she loves me."

"Her eyes speak that. She still loves you, Mingyu" "No she-" Before mingyu could speak further a voice cut him off. "What's up guys. What are you two talking about" Wonwoo butted in.

"About that Lisa incident and Yoohyeon." "Yoohyeon still does not know about it?" Mingyu shook his head.

"I don't know if you can ever explain that to her at this point. You're not trying hard, Mingyu" Mingyu scoffed at the older's words.

"I'm not trying enough? Did you forgot how much I tried hyung?! Still it was not enough! Tell me what's enough and then I'll try again and again?!" Mingyu snapped

" Do you think it's fun for me to see her everyday and remind myself that my fucked up heart wants her but the fate is too fucking harsh and I am the fucking nuthead who can't treat her well. Do you think it's fun for me?!" Mingyu spat before leaving the cafeteria.

I held Wonwoo's hand, intertwining our fingers. 'Don't mind him. He is stressed" Wonwoo smiled at me before kissing my forehead. "Don't worry. I understand him. He loves Yoohyeon a lot"


Mingyu Pov

I went inside the classroom to see Yoohyeon smiling ears to ear because of something she saw on her phone. I just love her smile.

I just love her.

"Oh? Who got my bish smiling like that?" Dami teased, peeking at Yoohyeon's phone. Yoohyeon got startled and pushed away her phone.

"Oh? Ahhh Minghao asking to meet in rooftop huh?" Dami squealed, getting hushed my Yoohyeon later.

Why would Minghao want to see Yoohyeon. What would he wants from her.

Many worries clouded my mind, tensing my heart. I saw Yoohyeon getting up from her seat and rushing towards the hallway and Dami yelling a FIGHTING to her.

I couldn't help but follow her. I followed her till she reached the rooftop of our school, I hid myself as I saw Minghao waiting there.

"Minghao, why did you wanted to see me?" "Hey- uh- Yoohyeon. I don't know you might have noticed or not but like I have talked a lot with you right"

What the hell. Is he trying to confess to her?

"I actually like-" "what the hell are you two doing here?" I enquired, even though I know what exactly is going on here

"Mingyu?" "What are you trying to do Myungho?" "Why are you here Kim mingyu?! " Yoohyeon asked.

"Why? Because I am ruining the confession Minghao has to you?" "Wait-" Minghao said but I cut him off. "I don't care if you like her or what Myungho. You know what she is to me. How c-"

"Yaah You dumb tree! I like Park Jihyo! She is Yoohyeon's cousin!" Minghao scolded, making me stop my words. "Geez, you don't have the guts to talk to her and you are acting petty." Minghao sassed before leaving the rooftop.

I was left dumbfounded on the place. "What am I to you, Kim Mingyu?" Yoohyeon asked. "A toy? Everything was over between us so why would you care if a boy likes me or not!" She snapped.

"You don't mean anything to me! I am not under your control! Why do you care?!" She shouted. "Have you not had enough?!"

"No I have not!" I raised my voice, making the girl startled. "I HAVE NOT AND I WON'T GET ENOUGH OF YOU!"

*BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU KIM YOOHYEON AND YOU NAKE IT WORSE!" Yoohyeon scoffed. "You love literally half of the school, Kim Mingyu. Don't tell lies to me. I had more than enough and it hurts"

"And you think I don't get hurt?! How many girls I have played with to forget you! How many girls I have been with to make you jealous !! "

"You did not do that to make me jealous. Oh come on, Kim Mingyu. Are you seriously blaming me for everything!! How could you!"

"You never learn to accept your mistakes do you! You are still so pathetic and I don't know how much kies you had told me those two years when I was with you!"

"You might have lied everyday to me and I was blind and lovesick for you, wandering around you all the time and you might have thought I am annoying like a mosquito" She urged

"I never once thought of you like that, Kim Yoohyeon! I loved you! I still do! I wish. I wish you would ever listen to me. It hurts. It hurts so bad that I love a girl that is so selfish that she can't see anything accept her-"


A harsh slap landed on my cheek as I looked at the other, tears streaming down her pale cheeks as she looked at me with hurt expression.

I did it again.

I hurt her.

"I can't believe I still love a guy like you, Kim Mingyu. I wish you to disappear from my life and my heatt forever" Yoohyeon said before exiting the place.

She still loves me.

I flopped on the ground, letting out a scream of frustration.

Congratulations Kim Mingyu, you've hurt her again.


Yoohyeon Pov

Mingyu hasn't been attending school for a week and there are rumors going on that he is dropping out.

"I wish you to disappear from my sight and my heart"

I had said too much that day and it hurts me so much and slapping him was crossing a line. I should not have done that. I feel so guilty.

What Mingyu said was partially true, I never once gave him an opportunity to defend himself or give me an explanation. I only believed what I heard and saw. I am actually pathetic.

"Kim Yoohyeon?" Said an oddly familiar yer unfamiliar girl "Yes that's her" answered a classmate, pointing at me.

"Hi!" The girl said with a bright smile in her face. "Uh- hi. Who are you?"

"Yoohyeon, I am Lalisa Manoban aka Lisa from YG high"

Oh shoot she is

"I want to talk to you about an incident-"

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