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At home

Me and hoshi came back home

I went upstair and started playing game on my Computer with the guy i always play. He is really nice. We talk about much stuff and are like best friends. But we dont each others name. His user name is everyone_woo and mine is kim_nams_kawai

A/n: your author is cringe sawry. Kim nams is kim namjoon

we call each other by that.I told him everything about today. He also told me that he got a new girl in his class. Who's taste is same as his. And is kinda interesting. As i saw it was time for dami to pick me up for tteokbeokki i said bye to the everyone_woo.

I wore this outfit. And went downstair.

"Are you going anywhere honey" mom asked

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"Are you going anywhere honey" mom asked. "Yup mom . My friend is gonna pick me up for some tteokbeokki" i said giving her a smile. "Glad you are making friends and socializing nowadays. But be careful dear." Mom said while smiling at me. "Yeah sure mom".

"hey you sloth come back early i dont want to go out to search for you again" hoshi said getting out of his room ."whatever i didn't asked you to search for me you brainless hamster" my phone buzzed and i saw dami and yoohyeon waiting putside with their car for me.

"Mom my friends are here bye" i said as i gave a kiss on moms cheeks "my kiss?" Hoshi said pouting. "Yaah you are becoming old you dont need a kiss" i said teasing him and started going to the door. "Hun bring them here someday for dinner or lunch" mom said while i was going out of house. "Sure mom!" I said.

At the car~~
"Hey darling you look awfully beautiful" dami said. As yoohyeon nodded in consent. "Aww thanks girls you guys look more stunning" i said getting into the car. "Lets goo girls" yoohyeon said. Through the whole ride we talked about so many stuffs and had a lot fun.

We are finally at the tteokbeokki shop . A ajumma* came to us and we placed an order to her.

*ajumma means old lady in korean

"Dont you miss your old school friends y/n?" Dami asked all of sudden."Actually i didn't had friends there. People didn't talked that much with me" i said while looking down."Why? you're such a nice girl?" Yoohyeon said

"I had depression that time and books were my only friends and people thought i am a nerd . And no one approached me." I replied. "Do you even used to get bullied?" . "No. I didn't let anyone bully me. I am good at fighting. " . I said boasting my chest which made them chuckle.

"Well now you have us and we have you so cheer up baby" dami said while pouring soju on our cups. "Cheers for our strong friend y/n" yoohyeon said as we all smiled.

We were gossiping a lot. It really feels nice to have friends like them. We also played some games . Then we went home. The girls are fun to hang out.

At home~~
I was about to go to my room but then. "Yah y/n . ?" I looked at him giving him 'what' look. "Dont you play games or else I'll pour a bucket of water on you in the morning ". "Yes yes" i said nodding .

But who tf is gonna listen to you I went upstairs put on my pajamas and started playing games again. Everyone_woo is really happy to know that i finally made some friends. We played games for a long time and went to sleep as both us have school tomorrow.

What if everyone_woo is from my school? What if i know him? It would be so great if he was. He is such a great friend

Ok bye world
This chapter is no fun.
Not even me. I have such a worst sense of humor.
Really sorry because my bad humor.
But please read the whole story
Love y'all
~~author nim 💚

Word count: 680

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