17 - ১৭

610 23 1

Y/n pov
The girl was about to slap me. Thats when i grabbed her hand and twisted in backwards. "Ouch. You bitch!" She yelled in pain.

The girl near me was also about to punch me but i held her hair harshly enough.

"Look look the audacity of these trashes. " i said scoffing and tightening my grip. "First mistake, you thought i would be scared of you. Second mistake, you thought i would listen to your bullshit. Third mistake, you thought i will leave my friends alone. Fourth mistake, you thought i will obey you. Fifth and the biggest mistake, you thought i would be a coward to let you guys use and bully me." I said tightening my grip more while these girls are in pain.

"Pfft.. look at the audacity." I let them go. The girls were scared of me now. "Do-" someone cut me off."what is going on here?" Its none other than wonwoo. " oppa look she beat us" the girls made some angelic and innocent faces. Woah ppl can be this fake.

I mentally clapped my hands for them. "I saw everything" wonwoo said
. The girls backed up. he held my chin and saw the bruise that girl gave and gave a how-dare-you plus death glare to the girl who gave me this.

"I am sorry oppa . She is the one who started first " the girl said who gave me the bruise said . I scoffed hard .
"Are you guys deaf or what? I already saw who did what?Dont let me see you near y/n again or else you will never see yourselves in this school" he said coldly.

He grabbed my hand and started dragging me with him.

Hey why is my heart beating so fast

Calm down buddy

"Woah woah dude where are you going?". "To the nurse office" still dragging me like I'm some shopping cart. "Aishh mochweo[stop]. Im ok,just lets go to the class" i said stoping him in the hallway.

"Nope. And how do you think this is 'okay' " he said pointing at the bruise.

"Sit here" he said pointingto the seat front of him while sitting down. I sat down. He touchedmy chin making me hiss in pain . He was looking at the bruise.

I was carefully looking at his face features. He is damn handsome. I felt my heart beat more fast as i saw our faces only inches away. "Liking the view?" He said winking earning a scoff from me. Bro this guy can flirt too? I thought he was the cold emo boii.

"Here apply this" wonwoo said "nope. I am good" . "Just apply it" he said again . I shook my head. He was giving ne that stubborn look. "Ahh hoshi what are you doing here now?" . I flew away from there. And went straight to the class.


Aish this girl is so mischievous. Fine I'll go to the class too. But i should bring an ointment for her. She got a huge bruise. But glad she fought back instead of staying calm. She really is brave . Or else she would have got more bruises.

I took some ointment from the nurse and went to the class. She was sitting there reading a book. Gosh i love that she loves books too. But except that reason there is something else which makes her different from others.

I went to my seat. And sat down. As always mingyu was flirting with girls .

"Hey y/n , whats with that bruise in your chin?" Dami asked. "Eok? Ah igeo?[ah this?]" She said touching her bruise earning a hish of pain. It probably hurts bad.

"Some gir-" i was about to speak but y/n covered my mouth with her hands. "Ahahaha. Some girl were walking and didn't noticed me so they pushed me and i hit my chin on something " she let out a awkward laugh .

"Ahh take care darling . does it hurts?" Yoohyeon asked touching her chin. She hissed in pain once again And nodded.

"Here i have a ointment for that" i handed her the ointment and yoohyeon let out a chuckle. "Whats so funny?" I asked with a straight face. "Nothing" . "Thanks wonwoo for the ointment " dami said as i nodded.

"Now be a good girl and apply this" dami said as y/n pouted. "Shirheo[i dont want to]" "wae?" I raised my left eyebrow.

"Its sticky and its looks ew. Moreover i hate stuffs like medicine and ointments " she said crossing her arms on her chest and still pouting.

Cute . Aagh jeon wonwoo what happened to you. I mentally slapped my head.

"Apply it" i said demandingly. "Nope . I am not" . "You are". "Not at all" she said sticking her tongue out like a kid. She really is hoshi's sister. Stubborn and childish.

"But you have to or else im taking all of your books away" i said. "And also you ps5(A/n:its me or the ps5~~)" dami said.

"MWO?[WHAT]" she exclaimed as we nodded.

"But only for an ointment you cant take my loves away from me . Thats so unfair." She whinned while taking the ointment from me. "Unfair or what we dunno just put this ointment and we wont take anything from you" dami said.

"i will tell gentle sexy oppa abt you guys." "We dont care if you tell your gentle sexy oppa or hoshi or whoever else . He will also tell you to apply ointment. " dami said putting a hand on her desk. "No he wont. He listens to me" she said looking at dami."i think you wont apply it so lets take your books and ps5" i said. "Nooooo. Fine I'll apply it" she is sulking.

"I hate you both" she said with a pout. "No problem. Cuz we love you" dami said as i nodded in consent.

The teacher came in and we went to our seats.

The classes were over(a/n:eh not much shit from dis trash author bleh)and all of us are were paking our backpacks.

"See you tomorrow won" she smiled and i also smiled back.
Won? Its sounds different to me .

Something amazing?

Heart fluttering??

Why does she feels so different?
Why does she makes me feel like GETTING CLOSER* to her

*A/n: yeah sumi chage neoleul wanhae~svt-getting closer . I cant forget this song so soon nah uh maan.

Pfft i def know you guys dont like this shit which i write. But istg i try my best[not really tho hue hue] . Reading is 4th quarter of my lifeu and writing is a hobby. I do it for fun. Even tho i am trash.

~~sarangh💚 from trash author

Word count:1126

FOREVER - Wonwoo [Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon