21 - ২১

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Y/n pov
I woke up in a hospital. The last thing i remembered was getting away from thay asshole with wonwoo.

"You literally scared the shit out of me y/n!" Hoshi said as i noticed him and wonwoo sitting on the couch in the room. "Hey. She just woke up for god sake. Are you fine now y/n?" Wonwoo asked as i nodded weakly.

This happens everytime i meet him.


My worst nightmare

I sat up as hoshi approached me. "Y/n" he hugged me. Tears gathering near my eyes as I blinked them away so that no one notice it. "Hey I am okay oppa. See nothing happened to me" i said patting his back.

"Ik bubs but you made me worried" he said caressing my hair. "I am sorry oppa. But he-" ."Don't worry I will talk to mom and dad . We will get you transfer sch-" " No need. I can take care of myself. And how many times am I going to change schools? But how did he came here?" I asked cutting him off.

"I will try to know about that. But please take care" "You need more rest y/n. We will come later. Lets go hoshi" wonwoo said as both of them left.

Wonwoo pov
"So whats the matter with that guy hoshi?" I asked as me and hoshi came out of the room. "He is kim yugyeom(A/n: dont kill me pwease. I love yugyeomie. Sorry for making him a villain here). A psycopath. He was the school heartthrob of y/ns previous school. He liked y/n but she didn't. So he tried to force her." Hoshi let out a deep sigh and continued

"But that was of no use. Y/n didn't even budge a little. One day he kidnapped her. She was in a dark room all alone. Since then she has a trauma to darkness and alone room.  the boy's men tried to threaten y/n by a gun"

"At one point when y/n told him she would never love him he ordered his men to kill her. Noona . Means our sister went to save her and saw the view. She stood in front of y/n and got shot. Police caught all of them but i think yugyeom somehow got out of it"

"Our noona died there. Y/n. I don't wanna lose her wonwoo" he finished with a sigh . Tears were dropping out of his eyes. I hugged him and comforted him. He is my best friend yet i dunno about this. What kind of friend i am.

This is the first time i saw hoshi cry. Never thought i would see this happy face get sad too. Thats it.

I am protecting y/n

Y/n pov
For the past few days wonwoo has been staying beside my side. So that yugyeom doesn't pester me. He tried to approach me a few times but got cut of by wonwoo every time he tried . He also makes my heart beats real fast sometimes.

And ofc dami , yoohyeon and the seventeen members have been shipping us like heck.

Dami  was asking me something. "Ouch!" She yelped in pain as she got hit by chalk which was thrown by our teacher.

"Thats it. Lee yubin and kwon y/n you two won't be sitting together from now on" the teacher said as both of us pouted.

"You need to change seats. Lets see who can change with dami " yeah right. "Kim yugyeom" tf! Not him. I started panicking as soon as i heard he is going to be with me now. I was about to say something but the teacher glared at me making me go quiet.

He and dami changed seats. "Hey baby" he whispered when the teacher looked at the blackboard. He was continuously poking me or troubling me somehow.

I was trying to keep myself calm. But i just couldn't. "Ssaem?(A/n:teacher in korean. You can also say seonsaengnim too. Which is more common) can i change my seat with yugyeom?" The teacher arched a brow at his words.

"May i know Why mr.jeon?" "Mingyu has been troubling me a lot and from yugyeoms seat i can see more visibly as i have eye problems " he explained. "What?! Hyung what did i do?" Mingyu asked as wonwoo just shut him up with a glare and said "I will tell you later" in a low voice.

"Well then you can. I am sorry but yugyeom you can go to wonwoo's seat" the teacher said as yugyeom furiously exchanged seats with wonwoo. I let out a huge breath of relief.

Wonwoo smiled sitting beside me. He held my hand after arranging his stuffs and mouthed 'calm down' to me. I mouthed a thank you back to him as he whispered "friends don't say thanks to each other silly" i smiled at his words. This guy always makes my heart flutter.

Me dami and yoohyeon were sitting together eating pork stew. Hoshi and woozi oppa came and sat with us. "Guys! Y'all are invited to my party. And yeah you have to bring a date. Or else no entry" Jun oppa said making a cross with his hands. He left as he had more ppl to invite .

"I am coming!" Yoohyeon said." Who is gonna be your date?" I asked her. "Well me and yoohyeon already decided to go together as none of us have a date" woozi oppa said. okay fair enough .

"Dami ah hbu?"yoohyeon asked. "A no for me bro" she said casually. "Yaah why not?" I asked. "Come on. I am not going. I don't have a date." She said playing with her chopsticks (A/n: i am sorry if its rude to play with your chopsticks cuz idrk and i play with my forks sometimes)

"Yaah dami. You and hoshi will go together" I said as hoshi stared bluntly at my face. I hope He knows what I am doing. "Huh? Uhm only if he is okay" dami said after pausing for a few sec as hoshi choked on his food after hearing her words.

"I am fine with it" I playfully smirked at hoshi as i saw a blushing dami. Me and yoohyeon shared a few playful glances too.

"So who are you going with y/n?" Yoohyeon asked. "Hehe. I am not going. I don't have a date." I said as both of them looked at me unbelievably . I made a 'what' face.

"Come on you have wonwoo right" lol what on earth would wonwoo be my date. I bet that guy is really gay for mingyu. "Wonwoo doesn't goes to parties that much. At least never with a girl as his date." Hoshi said. "But if its y/n idk" he said earning a punch from me.

"Yeah right. Last time he took hoshi with him at his dad's business party. His dad was shocked but he did explained that hoshi is his best friend not his boyfriend " woozi oppa said as we laughed . Wonwoo  is sometimes more unbelievable than spongebob .

"Hey y/n" wonwoo came to our table. All of us stopped laughing. He scratched his neck.

"Would you be my date for jun's party?"

Hey y'all its not been a long time. Yet a long ass chapter.  Anyways the 'face the sun' album is a bop.

Which song was your fav? Mine is ash and march

Ta daa

~~your trash author 💙💖

Word count: 1192

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