Sneaking out

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"Your home late" Renjun smirked, keeping his eyes on his book even as Mark snuck in through the window.

"What are you doing? Its 3 am" Mark scolded.

"Same as you, breaking the rules. I won't tell if you won't" Renjun glanced up briefly. Mark shook his head. He coudn't believe he was being bribed by his younger brother but there was nothing he could do.

"Your annoying" Mark stated.

"And your going to be in trouble if appa finds out you snuck out just to be with your girlfriend!" Renjun teased. Mark threw his pillow at him. He had just finished getting changed when Taeyong heard them and came in.

"What are you two doing up? Renjun, are you reading!? It is three hours past your bedtime. What are you doing?!" Taeyong scolded, keeping his voice quiet so he didn't wake any of the other boys. Renjun puffed his cheeks out, looking around nervously. Mark scooted further down in his own bed, not wanting to be in trouble too.

"Give me your book and turn over" Taeyong put his hand out, waiting. Mark's eyes widened and he tried to look away. 

"Appa!" Renjun shook his head, moving his book away from Taeyong's reach.

"Lee Renjun" Taeyong warned, crossing his arms. Renjun pursed his lips into a thin line, thinking for a moment before handing his book to Taeyong and turning over onto his stomach. 

"You Smack Do Smack Not Smack Stay Smack Up Smack Reading all night! Smack Smack Smack" Taeyong scolded.

"I won't!" Renjun threw Mark a betrayed look but the older turned away, minding his own business. Taeyong stood straight up again.

"You can get this book back in a week. If I ever catch you staying up all night again, your bedtime get reduced by thirty minutes and will continue to each time you stay up late. Is that clear?" Taeyong lectured. Renjun turned back over, sitting up. 

"Yes sir" Renjun nodded, not willing to risk that.

"Lay down and go to sleep. You too Mark" Taeyong ordered. 

"Goodnight appa" Mark responded quietly. As soon as Taeyong closed the door behind him, Renjun threw his pillow at Mark, hitting him in the face. 

"Hope you had fun with Hee-Jin cause I'm telling on you in the morning" Renjun decided. Mark didn't think he actually would so he didn't let it bother him and turned over to go to sleep. The next morning, Mark was the last one awake and he was only awoken by Taeyong coming into his room, looking furious. Renjun was standing behind him, a mixture of guilty and just a little bit proud of himself. 

"You snuck out last night to be with Hee-Jin!?" Taeyong yelled. Mark sat up, moving away from Taeyong.

"You told?!" Mark glared at Renjun.

"You got me in trouble last night!" Renjun argued. Mark shook his head. 

"I wasn't the one who stayed up until three just to read. Its not like I texted dad and told him what you were doing. You got caught on your own" Mark argued.

"Enough! Renjun, go back downstairs please" Taeyong ordered. Renjun gave Mark a sympathetic look and went back to the other boys. Taeyong walked further into the room and closed the door. 

"I love that you and Hee-Jin are close and I don't want you two to stop seeing each other but you can not spend time alone, especially at night. I trust you Mark, do not make me regret that please?" Taeyong pulled a chair over to sit in front of Mark.

"I am sorry. Nothing happened, if your wondering" Mark made sure to add that in.

"I know it didn't. Your a good kid, Mark. Just no more sneaking out and not coming back until late. There is a curfew for a reason so that kids like you and your brothers downstairs don't go doing things like this" Taeyong explained. 

"I understand and it won't happen again. I promise" Mark wasn't sure if he was going to keep that promise or not but he would try. Taeyong knew that. Mark wasn't like some of the younger boys. He was good at keeping his promise and learning from his mistakes. 

"I know. Which is why your only grounded for a week and not a month like I originally planned" Taeyong stated. Mark was a little relieved to hear that. He would rather not be grounded at all but a week was better than a month. 

"Oh, and Renjun had only just gotten up when I came in" Mark tried, hoping that Taeyong would believe him. Taeyong went to the door, opening it.

"Yeah, don't lie to me" Taeyong knew that wasn't true but he wasn't going to say anything about it. Mark shrugged, it was worth a try, and flopped back on his bed to wait out the next week.


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