No fair

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Taeyong stepped outside to check on the boys but they weren't there. They were supposed to stay in the backyard because that was the only place Taeyong could see them from the kitchen.

When he didn't see any of them, he knew something was wrong.

"Boys! Jeno! Haechan! Jisung!" Taeyong called and listened for any response. There was nothing. He could hear talking and laughing around the front side of the house and he went up there.

"Boys! What are you doing up here?" Taeyong walked over to the group of kids. A few kids ran off but Taeyong didn't bother with them; they weren't his.

"Playing" Jeno answered, bumping a ball from one foot to the other. Jaemin and Haechan were counting how many times he did it.

"Why are you up here near the street when you know you're supposed to stay in the backyard where I can see you?" Taeyong repeated. The seven kids froze, realizing now why Taeyong was upset.

"Ummm...Jeno lost his ball and convinced all of us to go chasing after it and then we just started talking out here with those other kids and we didn't mean to leave the backyard! We just going after the ball" Mark explained in a hurry. Taeyong pointed back to the house and the boys went slowly. They lined up on the couch.

"If you boys can't follow the rules, then you won't be allowed outside without me outside too" Taeyong decided.

"Nooo!" Haechan complained.

"Yes. Let's not make a habit of this,okay?" Taeyong made eye contact with each of the kids.

"We won't " they promised.

"Thank you. Now, go clean up your toys outside and come back in. Your staying inside the rest of the day" Taeyong instructed. In a single moment, the couch was empty and he laughed a little. The boys played games inside the rest of the day, remaining unhappy the entire time.


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