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As the boys got older, they became more public. Already there were articles and reports circulating the possibility of a new unit in NCT but nothing official had been released yet. Due to that, the ability to leave the dorm had become less. Taeyong tried to give the boys some freedom, especially the older three since they were teenagers and he trusted them. 

Still, there were some limitations that he had to put on them to ensure their safety. Whether the boys liked it or not was not his fault, he was just the one supposed to keep them safe and in good health.

"Please, hyung! I got everything done and I will be careful" Jeno pleaded, Renjun trailing after him as they followed Taeyong around the house.

"I said no, guys. This thing you're talking about doesn't even start until eleven and your curfew is at nine thirty" Taeyong shook his head. If the event they wanted to go to was any earlier, he wouldn't have had a problem but it was going to go on too late. So unfortunately, the answer was no.

"You would let Mark go!" Renjun crossed his arms. 

"Mark is older. And no I wouldn't. It's not up to me, the government has a curfew for minors. You guys can't be out past ten" Taeyong explained. Renjun rolled his eyes and turned to leave. This was one of the times that he wished he was back in China. He tapped Jeno's arm, signaling for him to give it up and they left. Taeyong did feel bad; he knew that the boys had been looking forward to this specific event but there was nothing he could do about it. Korea was strict about minors being out past ten every night and Taeyong did not feel like having to talk to the company about paying a fine because a couple of the kids couldn't follow the rules. 

"Well, so much for that" Jeno flopped down on his bed. Renjun was not going to give up as easily and began to form a plan.

"We're going to bed early tonight" He announced, thinking to himself. 

"Why?" Jeno sat up. 

"Because we're going to this movie. Hyung might not want us to have fun but we're kids, we have a right to have fun every once in a while" Renjun explained.

"I don't know. Maybe we should just forget about it" Jeno was not entirely sure about that plan. 

"Come on Jeno! This is the opening night. Plus, in a couple of years, we're going to be doing nothing but working. As soon as Jaemin turns fourteen, our lives are going to be nothing but work. Our futures are already set for us and there's nothing we can do to change that. But we can have fun while we have the chance. So what do you say?" Renjun had it all figured out. Jeno still looked unsure so Renjun tried his last resort.

"Absolutely not!" Mark shook his head.

"Please hyung! This is our one chance. Plus, you've been wanting to see this movie for a long time as well. Come with us!" Renjun begged. Mark was actually considering it despite knowing how bad of an idea the whole thing was.

"We are not sneaking out!" Mark hissed at his friends. He couldn't even believe that they were coming to him and asking this. Yes, he had been wanting to see this specific movie but he could do that when it came out.

"Pleaseeee!" Renjun clasped his hands together, giving Mark the puppy eyes. He knew that Mark was helpless against the puppy eyes. He was right when he thought it would work.

"You guys are going to be the death of me. If we get caught, I'm not taking the blame" Mark warned them. Renjun knew that was a lie but he agreed anyways. Whenever they were with Mark and got caught doing something, he always took the blame. No matter what it was about, he took the blame. 

"Of course. You can blame it on us if we get caught" Renjun agreed, looking at Jeno. Later that night, they came up with the excuse of being tired and turned in for bed early. That was where it got a little tricky. Renjun and Mark shared a room so there was no problems there. The real problem came to Jeno, who shared a room with Haechan and Jaemin. No doubt the two of them would notice that Jeno wasn't in his bed, and if Taeyong found out, it would be over for the three teens.

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