Failed test

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"Hyung's going to kill you" Jaemin sang, skipping down the sidewalk. The older kids had reached that age where they could now walk home, as long as they kept the younger four with them.

"He is not" Jeno retorted, pouting.

"Hyung, I hate to break it to you but you failed your test and tried to cheat off Junnie" Chenle corrected, catching up with the others. Renjun glared at him; he had gotten caught trying to help Jeno and they had notes to take to Taeyong for him to sign, showing that he acknowledged the problem.

"Shut up!" Renjun elbowed Chenle, almost making the younger kid fall.

"Renjun" Mark warned, helping Chenle up. The second oldest huffed and stayed quiet as they continued walking home.

"Your not going to make us tell him, are you?" Jeno worried.

"I won't make you but I do think you should tell him. Your teachers are just going to keep sending home notes until they get one with his signature on it" Mark pointed out.

"You could forge his signature" Haechan blurted out. Everyone stopped walking and looked at him.

"I'm kidding" He added. Mark shook his head and started walking again. Renjun and Jeno discussed the best way to break the news to Taeyong but couldn't come up with anything. And they didn't have to. Taeyong knew before he even got home and planned on talking to the two boys after dinner.

"Jisung, Chenle, go get ready for bed. Mark, will you help Jaemin with his school and make sure Haechan gets off his game in ten minutes" Taeyong dismissed the other boys. Mark nodded, leading Jaemin away with the youngest two clinging to them.

"Your teacher called me today. Want to tell me anything?" Taeyong waited, crossing his arms.

"It was Jeno's fault! I didn't even know he was looking at my test until the teacher said something" Renjun pointed to his younger friend.

"Lying will only get you in more trouble, Renjun" Taeyong scolded. Renjun blushed and turned away. 

"So, do either of you want to go look at the list of rules and tell me the punishment for cheating" Taeyong looked at both boys. Renjun knew the rules already.

"It's age-appropriate spanking with the brush" He recited. Taeyong nodded and Renjun didn't even have to guess to know what that meant. He returned a moment later with Taeyong's brush, handing it to his hyung.

"Come here" Taeyong tucked Jeno under his arm first, smacking him lightly with the brush so it wouldn't leave a mark on the kid. Then he did the same with Renjun and sent them to bed. He usually allowed them to stay up for another thirty minutes but not this time. 

He began making his rounds to make sure all the kids were in bed.

"Goodnight, babies" Taeyong tucked the maknaes in, turning their lights out. Then he went to the middle's room.

"Are you mad at us?" Jeno approached Taeyong as he was stepping out of the maknae's room.

"No, Jeno. I'm not mad. I just don't want you cheating anymore, it's a bad thing to do and it doesn't help you at all" Taeyong picked the ten year old up, taking him to his room and setting the kid down on his bed. Renjun was already under his covers, arguing with Haechan in the bunk below him. 

"Go to sleep. Lights out in ten minutes for all of you" Taeyong closed the door, going down the hall to the oldest's room. There had been quite a few heated discussions about Mark getting his own room, and none of the kids liked it, but Taeyong won the argument by reminding them that Mark was growing and was at a stage none of them were at yet. He also promised that once they were all twelve, they could discuss having their own rooms if there was enough bedrooms to accommodate all seven boys plus Taeyong. 

"Hey, I know your still reading and everything but keep an eye on the time. Lights out in an hour and no going over that or I'm taking your phone and you can go to bed the same time as Renjun and Jeno" Taeyong reminded the oldest. Mark nodded, looking at his time to make sure he could finish his chapter before turning back to his book. Taeyong went to his room, waiting until all the other rooms were dark before turning in for the night.

Room arrangements
Renjun, Jeno and Haechan
Jaemin, Chenle and Jisung

Mark-12. Bedtime:9
Renjun-11. Bedtime: 8:30
Jeno-10. Bedtime: 8:30
Haechan-9. Bedtime: 8
Jaemin-8. Bedtime: 7
Chenle-7. Bedtime: 7
Jisung-6. Bedtime: 7

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