Hide and Seek 2.0

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Taeyong had only been in charge of the boys for two months when they started giving him trouble. After they got in trouble for playing hide and seek at the company, Taeyong pretty much banned the game from being done in public places. However, this only meant that the boys were more likely to play hide and seek in public simply because they were kids and they knew they weren't allowed. 

"Mark, do you want this for dinner?" Taeyong turned around and blinked a few times. All the boys were gone, not even Jisung was there. Taeyong sighed and set the food item he had grabbed in the cart, going around to look for the boys. He had a feeling that they were just hiding so he was trying not to panic. If he couldn't find them after searching for twenty minutes, then he would panic. 

"Shh!" Jisung put his finger to his lips, signaling Chenle to be quiet. Chenle covered his mouth with one hand and the other covered Jisung's mouth so there was no chance of them making any noise. Chenle could just barely see Jeno's shirt from where the older kid was curled up on one of the shelves, hidden behind a large box. The boys had all picked very good hiding spots in a general area so they knew where each other were but it would still be hard for Taeyong to find them since they were somewhat spread out. Jisung and Chenle were hiding in a clothes rack, Jeno had climbed onto one of the top shelves that Taeyong couldn't even dream of reaching. Mark was hiding in the bottom shelf below Jeno and Renjun, Haechan and Jaemin decided to hide right next to each other, keeping an eye on Jaemin. Well, the older two meant to keep an eye on Jaemin.

Renjun was flexible and Taeyong absolutely hated it. Taeyong had never seen someone be able to twist their body into so many different ways and Renjun was able to make himself as small as Chenle if he really wanted to. That meant that he could hide literally anywhere and Taeyong would never find him. All the boys were really smart but Renjun was very, very smart. So it was no surprise that he would pick a hiding spot where he would be too small to be found: he hid in the shoe racks. There was a small enough space between each of the shelves that he could just fit behind and he stacked up a bunch of boxes to cover his hair and bright clothes. Taeyong was never going to find him. 

Jaemin was also really flexible, not as much as Renjun, but he enjoyed showing off to the older boy and this was no different. He didn't want to be found too easily and knew that two people hiding in the same place was a bad idea so he found somewhere else. He was smart enough to figure out that if he was constantly moving while staying hidden, it would make it ten times harder for Taeyong to find him. 

All the employees had these little carts with baskets on them so they could restock shelves when food got low. There was a small little hole at the very bottom that was not easily seen. So, Jaemin explained to a nice young girl that him and his brothers were playing hide and seek and he asked if he could use her cart. With her permission, he slipped into this hole and giggled to himself, sure that he had the best hiding spot.

Haechan had panicked a little when he couldn't think of a good hiding spot but then he had the best idea and he pulled a bunch of clothes off the not wanted rack and dumped them in a corner of a dressing room that was out of order. He tucked the clothes around him, making a giant pile and hid under it. He would still be able to see but if anyone walked past, they would just see a pile of clothes.

It had been almost an hour and Taeyong was losing his mind. He had long since forgotten about the food in his cart and was more worried about finding the boys. He felt like he had searched the entire store but he couldn't find even one of the boys. 

He passed by a clothes rack that he had probably passed around ten times and stopped, backing up. Turning to the clothes rack, he crossed his arms.

"Zhong Chenle! Park Jisung!" He felt a little weird talking to a clothes rack but he knew that his youngest charges were there. A moment later, two little boys came crawling out, looking at Taeyong with innocent eyes.

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