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"If you say one more thing, I will tape your mouth shut. Be quiet" Renjun hissed at Jeno, one hand covering the younger's mouth. Jeno nodded, looking fearful. Satisfied, Renjun turned back to his computer and clicked on the little link on the side. Jeno and Renjun watched the screen for several minutes, their mouths hanging open, until they were interrupted. Jeno made sure to keep quiet even though he wanted to react verbally to what he was watching.

"What are you two doing?" Taeyong walked over, closing the computer and picking it up, setting it to the side. 

"Ummm..." Renjun really wasn't sure what to say. He didn't think there was anything he could say.

"No, you know what, don't answer that. I know exactly what you were doing. Where did you find this?" Taeyong was beyond upset and the boys noticed. 

"It was...some kids at school told me where to find it" Renjun admitted. Taeyong pressed his hands together, taking a few deep breaths. 

"Your not getting this back and I'm putting a parental lock on it again" Taeyong motioned to Renjun's computer. All the boys got computers when they turned twelve and there would be a parental lock until they proved that they were going to use it responsibly and not look at weird things that they were too young for. Taeyong had trusted that Renjun would be responsible after the kid proved himself but apparently that was a mistake. 

"That's not fair!" Renjun argued, upset. 

"It is completely fair, young man. Nothing you say is going to change my mind. Jeno, go to my room" Taeyong responded sharply. Renjun rolled his eyes, sitting down on his bed. Taeyong pulled him to his feet and spun him to the side.


"Do not roll your eyes at me!" Taeyong made up his mind and sat down on Renjun's bed, quickly pulling the kid over his knee. Jeno had already left so it was just the two of them in there.


"Ow! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Hyung, stop" Renjun tried to pull himself away but Taeyong wrapped an arm around his waist, keeping him in place. 

"You do not roll your eyes at me, you do not talk back to me and you most certainly do not go looking up adult things with your little brother!" Taeyong reprimanded, laying smack after smack without pause. Renjun cried and attempted to get away but he couldn't move.

"Your going to stay in your room for the rest of the day and you will work to earn your computer back. I am very disappointed in you" Taeyong pulled Renjun up and set him on his bed, then left without another word. Renjun cried harder, curling up into a ball and sobbing on his bed. Taeyong always comforted the boys after a spanking, no matter what they had done, that was always something they could depend on. Taeyong went and dealt with Jeno, that conversation went much easier than it had with Renjun, and he told the younger boy the same thing. 

Dinner was a tense affair. The other boys not in trouble continued like nothing happened, talking animatedly to each other but Renjun and Jeno were quiet and Taeyong watched them like a hawk the whole dinner.

"What, afraid we'll snap at you?" Renjun snapped. Taeyong gave him a worried look. Renjun huffed and went back to eating. Afterwards, Taeyong dismissed the other boys and him and Renjun cleaned up.

"What's wrong?" Taeyong wondered.

"Nothing. I don't need your comfort. Of course you probably know that already" Renjun responded sharply. Taeyong took a moment before realzing what Renjun was talking about.

"Oh hun, I'm sorry. I just thought that you wanted to be left alone" Taeyong ran a hand over his face. He had messed up and he knew it. 

"I've never wanted to be left alone. I thought you knew that" Renjun admitted. He knew that he was distant sometimes and he did need space at times but he always asked to have space. He hadn't asked earlier that day. 

"I'm sorry Renjun. We can watch a movie later if you want and you can sit next to me" Taeyong offered. Renjun nodded, though he didn't think that would make him feel better.

It did. 


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