Chinese not Korean

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Chenle starts to think that Taeyong doesn't care about him because he's Chinese

There was something different about Chenle. Taeyong couldn't figure out what but there was something different.

"Would you adopt Jisung?" Chenle blurted out suddenly while the family was sitting in front of the TV.

"Where is that coming from?" Haechan teased him. Chenle shrugged, shy about his question now. Jisung looked like he wanted to know the answer too since he was staring at Taeyong, waiting.

"Yes I would. I would adopt any of you if I could" Taeyong answered as simply as he could. Chenle didn't seem to be satisfied with that yet he didn't push the topic and went back to watching the movie that was playing.

"Where is Chenle?" Taeyong counted the boys as they came in. There was only two of them. Haechan, Jeno and Renjun walked home together and Jaemin, Chenle and Jisung were supposed to walk home together. Mark didn't walk with any of them since he never left the house. He didn't have to anymore, not since starting college. 

"I don't know. He never met us in front of the school. He might have had something important to do" Jisung shrugged, getting out his homework and sitting down to work on it. That was the least favorite part of his day but he knew the sooner he got it done, the less he would have to worry about it later. 

"Okay, I'm going to call the school" Taeyong decided, pulling his phone out. Jaemin took it from him.

"Minnie, give me my phone back" Taeyong held his hand out.

"Just wait" Jaemin tried to explain. Taeyong was not in the mood though.

"Jaemin, give me my phone before you lose yours for the next week" Taeyong repeated. Jaemin gave it to him and tried to stop Taeyong from calling the school.

"I know where Lele is!" He blurted out, making the man stop and turn to him.

"Where is he?" Taeyong repeated, waiting. Jaemin briefly thought that maybe this wasn't a good idea but he was doing this for Chenle. He just hoped the younger kid would see it that way.

"I'll tell you but first, you need to understand something. Chenle thinks he's not one of us. He feels left out. Like he's not your son because he's from a different country" Jaemin explained.

"That's ridiculous. Mark is from a different country too!" Taeyong didn't believe that.

"Yeah but Mark's Korean. Chenle's not" Jaemin hinted, hoping that Taeyong would get out. Renjun came in just in time to hear that and stopped.

"What about Chenle not being Korean?" He walked over, invested in the conversation now. 

"Renjun's not Korean either and I don't treat him any different. I don't treat Chenle different either" Taeyong shook his head.

"Look, I'm not saying that it makes sense but Chenle confided in me before he left. Just...go easy on him. I know it was wrong for him to leave and not say anything but he's hurting. Haven't you ever felt like you don't belong in your family?" Jaemin pointed out. Taeyong couldn't argue with that. He wanted to know how long Chenle had been struggling? Had Chenle just not said anything to him in fear that Taeyong really would abandon him?

"I'm going to look for him. Where is he?" Taeyong walked to the door. 

"Right here" Chenle had slipped in while the others were talking, staying quiet until they finished. Taeyong sighed in relief and hugged Chenle. 

"I told him everything, Lele" Jaemin admitted. Chenle knew that. He had heard Jaemin and he wasn't mad. 

"I'm really sorry. I just needed to think and then I realized that I was being ridiculous and of course you don't view me any differently than them. I'm so sorry!" Chenle was aware he was rambling and he didn't care. Taeyong put a hand up to stop him.

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