Records of the past

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"Do you ever lay awake and make up families in your head?" All seven boys were laying in the living room. Their rooms were all getting a fresh paint job so they were temporarily left to sleep in the living room. Not that any of them were complaining; it was like one big sleepover.

"What do you mean?" Mark sat up a little in his sleeping bag, looking over at Haechan.

"I just mean...none of us know where we come from? Don't you ever think about it?" Haechan explained, also sitting up. The others did the same now that they knew they weren't going to be able to sleep anytime soon.

"We know where we come from. You, Minnie, Jeno and Jisung come from here, Korea. I'm from Canada and Renjun and Chenle are from China. What more do we need to know?" Mark pointed out.

"Our parents. What if we have siblings? One of us could have a little sister and we wouldn't even know it" Haechan got the others thinking.

"My parents are dead" Renjun blurted out, realizing how weird that sounded and looking at his brothers.

"How do you know?" Jeno looked at him suspiciously. Renjun gave in, he might as well tell the others. They wouldn't leave him alone until he did.

"I saw my profile. They were alcoholics and then they died a few years ago. I don't have any siblings except you guys" Renjun pulled his knees up to his chest.

"Oh Junnie. I'm so sorry" Mark wrapped an arm around his brother, hugging him close.

"Yeah, I didn't mean to be insensitive" Haechan added, feeling guilty. He had spoken without thinking.

"It's okay. I wouldn't want to meet them anyway. My mom probably gave me some disorder that hasn't shown itself yet. If she couldn't stop drinking after having me, she probably couldn't stop while she was pregnant either" Renjun brightened up but there was still a sadness in his eyes. He had been hoping just as much as the others to know who his family was and now he has no chance of that.

"And if she did, we'll still love you. Your our brother" Mark pressed a small kiss to his brothers hair. Renjun leaned into him. A moment later, he had Chenle in his lap and the other boys crowded around. They fell asleep like that and Taeyong took a picture when he came down the next day.

" you have our records?" Chenle knocked on Taeyong's door a few hours later.

"I do. Why?" Taeyong had been pretty busy but this was clearly something that required his attention more.

"I want to see mine" Chenle stated. Taeyong was surprised. Out of all the things he expected Chenle to want to talk about, that was not one of them.

"May I ask why?" Taeyong motioned for Chenle to come closer and the eight year old did.

"I want to know who my parents are. Where I'm from. Did they leave me or did they die? Were they unable to care for me or did they decide on their own not to?" Chenle wondered. He'd always had so many questions and no way of answering them. Now he had a way.  Taeyong nodded, and reached into a drawer of his desk, pulling out a file. Chenle climbed into his lap, waiting.

"Here. Your from China, you were a rather small baby and you were left at the hospital. Your parents never came to visit you. It says it took the nurses and doctors a few hours to even realize that your parents had left without you. They tried calling family members but no one ever came to get you. You went through two foster families before coming to me" Taeyong read out what the file said, running his finger along the words as he said them.

"Do you know what my parents looked like?" Chenle questioned. He was a little upset at the lack of information. It wasn't what he had wanted to know.

"Yes, I did. There was only one picture left with you. I was saving it for when you were old enough" Taeyong grabbed something from the folder, showing it to Chenle.

"It's only of your mother. Apparently your father never let himself have a picture taken" Taeyong explained.

"She's pretty. She looks like Snow White" Chenle traced a finger along the portrait. Taeyong laughed a little. He didn't see the resemblance but Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was Chenle's favorite Disney movie so of course he would want his mom to look like his favorite princess.

"Yes she does. Why don't you keep this? And if you have anymore questions, you can always come to me and if I don't have the answers, I can always go talk to the social worker that placed you here" Taeyong set Chenle down, making sure he held tightly to the little locket picture. Chenle looked at it for a moment longer as he walked out. He went straight to his room and found a piece of string, tying it to the small frame and securing it around his neck like a necklace. He was never going to take it off. Not even when he died.


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