Your old!

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"Shh, you'll wake him!" Taeyong blinked a few times, more than aware that he was not alone in his room. More often than not, he was the first one up but that didn't seem to be the case that particular morning. 

"He's probably already awake since your being so loud" Taeyong knew that was Renjun and he could only imagine that Haechan was sticking his tongue out at the older. 

"And jump!" Jaemin squealed, flying onto the bed and landing directly on Taeyong. The others took a much calmer approach but they still all decided to jump on his bed in some way. 

"Happy birthday!" Mark grinned widely. Taeyong smiled too. Even though his sleep was being interrupted, it was for a good reason. Jisung shoved a lopsided cupcake that looked like it had spent too long in the oven into Taeyong's hand, staring at him until Taeyong took a bite. 

"Thank you, boys. Come on, go get dressed" Taeyong noticed that they were all still in their pajamas and they couldn't be. He had some stuff to do and he was bringing them all with him.

"Nope! We cleared your entire schedule. The others are coming over later to celebrate. I'm taking all the kids out with the help of Kun-hyung" Mark shook his head. Taeyong wasn't really sure if he liked that idea but the kids were trying to do something nice so, against his better judgement, he gave in. What was the worst that could happen?

Taeyong did manage to have a pretty good time to himself. He had missed being with his friends and didn't realize just how much of an adult presence he needed. He had been going crazy being surrounded by kids and he never even realized it. Just like Taeyong though, Johnny, Yuta and Taeil were very hesitant to let the boys go out alone. Yes, Kun was fifteen and yes, he had a phone, but all four men were very unsure that a fifteen-year-old and two fourteen-year-olds could handle two twelve-year-olds, two eleven-year-olds, two ten-year-olds, a nine-year-old, an eight-year-old, a seven-year-old and a six-year-old by themselves. 

Needless to say, they were right.

"Are we lost?" Jisung tugged on Jeno's hand. He didn't look panicked, instead he looked very calm and that only worried the older kids even more. The fact that a little six-year-old was calmer than then them was not very comforting. 

"No, Ji. We're not lost. We're just on an adventure" Jaemin piped in when Jeno took too long to answer. Jeno nodded, picking up the youngest.

"Yeah, Jisung. We're just on an adventure" Jeno repeated Jaemin's lie. Jisung didn't look convinced but he believed his hyungs. Jeno mouthed a thank you to Jaemin who waved it off and caught up with Winwin, taking the older's hand. Jeno felt someone slip a hand into his and he looked to the side to see it was only Chenle, looking scared. 

"Don't be scared Lele. Hyungs know what their doing" Mark intervened. Jeno glared at him because they very much did not know what they were doing and Taeyong was going to kill them if they were gone any longer. He had told all of them to be back in three hours and it had definitely been longer than three hours. They were done for. 

"It's hyung! What do I do?" Ten panicked, holding his phone out to Kun.

"Which hyung?" Mark wondered.

"Yuta-hyung!" Ten whispered, as if Yuta or the others could hear him through the phone that was still ringing.

"Answer it! Tell them we're lost and we don't know how to get back" Kun explained. 

"We're lost?" Jisung perked up. 

"No, Sungie. We're not lost" Jeno shook his head, pushing the kid's head back down so Jisung was laying on his chest again. He was well aware that Jisung could walk but the youngest had begun complaining about his legs hurting so the older boys had taken turns carrying him a few blocks. Ten walked a short distance away, staying within sight of his friends as he answered the phone and talked with Yuta. After a while, he came back.

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