Hard at work

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"I think I'm going to be sick" Jeno complained. Renjun gave him a disgusted look and moved away.

"Please don't" He wrinkled his nose. Jeno elbowed him hard in the side.

"Just take deep breaths, No-no. The worst will be over soon" Mark rubbed Jeno's back to comfort him. The seven boys were all sitting in the waiting room of SM Entertainment, anticipating their first vocal lesson. In less than a few months, they would be debuting and their recording team had been working hard to get their first full album ready. Taeyong hadn't been happy about it for several reasons. For one, six of them were underaged and still in high school, and second: Mark had just started his college classes so worrying about being an idol was the last thing he needed at the moment. Taeyong had begged for the boys to have at least another year but their CEO would not be persuaded.

Mark's assurance was followed by the sound of Jisung's stomach emptying and Jeno couldn't hold it in anymore. Renjun turned away, so he couldn't see the two piles of vomit. Taeyong walked in at that same moment, looking worried.

"We can always go home if you boys aren't ready for this? I'll deal with the CEO later" Taeyong pointed out.

"You'll get fired. We got this, dad. Don't worry" Mark smiled as brightly as he could but it wasn't very convincing. Taeyong nodded, squeezing the oldest's shoulder as they were called in to start recording. Taeyong waited for them for hours, listening for any sign of trouble from inside the studio. Luckily there was nothing but it was clear they were tired when the seven boys walked back out.

"Let's go home" Taeyong wrapped an arm around two of the boys and led them back out. He had thought it would be a good idea to walk and the boys enjoyed it but now he wishes that he had brought the car. Jisung and Chenle crashed the moment they were in their beds. Jaemin mumbled something as he went up the stairs and Taeyong swore it sounded a lot like the song the boys had been practicing. Taeyong had offered to do something fun with the boys to celebrate their first recording but he knew they were too tired now so he let them sleep. And he didn't wake them up until a few hours after they were used to getting up. They deserved it.


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