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"Get inside" Jaemin finally let go of his brother, pushing him down onto the couch. Jisung huffed, crossing his arms. Chenle went to the kitchen and then ran upstairs. Jaemin grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.

"Not so fast. Your in trouble too so go sit down and don't move. I need to think" Jaemin pressed his hands to the sides of his head, walking in circles. Chenle and Jisung watched him, worried.

"You completely embarrassed me! You embarrassed yourselves!" Jaemin snapped.

"She was being a-" Jisung stopped suddenly when Jaemin glared at him.

"Finish that sentence and I will not even wait for hyungs or dad to get back, I will shove a bar of soap in your mouth so far that you choke!" Jaemin knew he was being a little vulgar but he was angry so he was making excuses. Jisung stayed quiet this time.

"I can't even believe you two! I mean, fighting! A girl of all people. And then cursing at a teacher. Have you lost your minds?" Jaemin pulled the ottoman over and sat down in front of his brothers.

"She started it!" Jisung defended himself.

"Park Jisung, you are really not in the place to be making accusations. I got called out of my only college class, which is setting up my entire future, to come deal with you two in the middle of lunch" Jaemin explained. He swore this was how Taeyong felt scolding them and he hated it.

"Not to mention that right now, we're in the public eye. Everything we do is going to be released to the public. Our school records, baby pictures, what we ate for breakfast every day. You cannot make mistakes anymore" Jaemin knew it was harsh but that's how it was. Jisung hung his head, looking at Chenle. Jaemin felt there was more to the story than he was being told and he didn't like it.

"What's that?" He motioned to them.

"What?" Chenle looked at him, confused. He didn't think they'd been obvious.

"That. Whatever that was" Jaemin motioned to them again.

"We just don't know if we want to be idols anymore" Chenle admitted.

"Okay. That's fine but just think about it. But that is no reason to fight someone or curse at a teacher. I'm going to call dad. I think it's best if you wait in your rooms" Jaemin stood up, waiting for his brothers to leave before calling Taeyong. The man was back in no time and demanded an explanation, more specifically as to why he wasn't called by the school.

"From what I know and what I picked up on their reactions, some girl was being rude about and the business they entered so Chenle and Jisung retaliated and a teacher pulled the three apart. That's when Jisung chose some very...choice words to show his displeasure" Jaemin tried not to tattle on his brothers too much. He didn't want to really get them in trouble. 

"And by choice words you mean...?" Taeyong was sure he knew the answer but he waited for Jaemin to confirm first. 

"He called her some very colorful names that I won't repeat because I don't want to be in trouble" Jaemin hinted. Taeyong nodded; that was all the confirmation he needed as he went upstairs to talk with his youngest sons. That was not a fun conversation for anyone but it was necessary, even if the two boys hated every second of it. 

"We understand, dad! We shouldn't fight girls and we shouldn't curse at our teachers. It won't happen again" Chenle was getting a little tired of Taeyong repeating himself in his lecture. 

"Your right. It won't be happening again. I have thought about it for a long time and I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing for the right reason. I wanted to know that I was doing this for y0u boys and not for me or for the company" Taeyong put his hands in his pockets. 

"What are you talking about?" Jisung was a little worried now. Taeyong looked straight at the two of them, not breaking eye contact.

"I'm pulling you out of school" He decided, not leaving any room for argument. The decision was made and he wasn't going to change his mind.

"What!?" Chenle and Jisung stood up, outraged. They couldn't believe that. They didn't like school, no kid did, but all their friends were in school and they enjoyed talking to people everyday.

"I thought about it and I have made the decision. I'll go down to talk to your principal tomorrow" Taeyong added.

"Yeah how about you talk to us first? Were you going to inform us of this decision instead of just doing whatever?" Chenle pointed out.

"I'm telling you now. To be honest, I wasn't going to do it but today's events have changed my mind. With you being idols now and obviously dealing with backlash at your school, its best for everyone if you continue here at home" Taeyong told them.

"This is bullshit!" Chenle shook his head. This could not be happening.

"Chenle" Taeyong warned. Chenle looked at him. He knew he was testing the limits and he didn't want to actually be in trouble so he backed off.

"We'll do what you think is best" Jisung wasn't happy either but if this is what Taeyong thought was best, he trusted Taeyong's decision. 

"Thank you Jisung. I'm really sorry boys, that this is how it has to be" Taeyong gave them some time to process and left. Chenle watched him go with an angry glare.

"He's doing his best" Jisung reminded Chenle. 

"I know" Chenle did know that and he felt bad for being angry. Taeyong should have come to them first though before making this decision. There was nothing to be done now though, the decision was made. Besides, it couldn't be all bad. All the members of WayV and even the three maknaes of 127 had been homeschooled due to being idols. 

"Wait, does this mean that Jaemin will be homeschooled too?" Jisung wondered. Chenle scoffed.

"I doubt it. He's in his last year of high school and he didn't screw up. Plus, eomma would never let him be pulled out of school. He's her favorite" Chenle muttered darkly, shaking his head. He was bitter and no one was going to be able to take that from him. Jisung just stared as if looking at a stranger. 


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