Ice cream date

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"We should go out" Chenle interrupted the silence, looking at his brothers. Jisung threw the ball they had been tossing around and Chenle caught it but he didn't throw it back.

"Where would we go?" Jaemin wondered.

"I don't know. But hyungs went out and it's not fair they get to have all the fun" Chenle pointed out. So it was decided: they were going out. The only problem was where. And also that Jaemin didn't bother reminding his younger brothers that even though their hyungs did go out, the three oldest also got grounded and in major trouble.

"Let's get ice cream" Jisung suggested, now excited. Jaemin shrugged and went inside, being quiet. He told the younger two to wait for him in the living room and get their shoes on. They were going to need money to get ice cream.

Chenle and Jisung waited on the couch, nervous if Jaemin was even going to return. He came back after a few minutes, hurriedly leaving before they could get caught.

"What'd you do?" Chenle worried. Jaemin was looking really panicked and that was not a good thing.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it" Jaemin took Chenle and Jisung's hands and kept walking to the ice cream shop. After ordering, Jaemin pulled out a wad of money that was definitely not his and counted out the right amount of money needed to pay for the three ice creams. They sat down and were enjoying their treats when someone slammed their hands down on the table. All three boys jumped.

"What the duck?!" Jaemin glared at Mark.

"What are you three doing?" Renjun and Jeno walked over, Haechan running over right behind them.

"Eating ice cream. What does it look like?" Jisung retorted, taking another bite of his ice cream.

"Watch it, Andy" Mark snapped. Jisung blushed and stared at the table.

"What happened to the twenty dollars in my wallet?" Renjun questioned. Chenle and Jisung looked at Jaemin, alarmed.

"I'll pay you back" Jaemin promised. Renjun crossed his arms.

"Damn right you will. Finish eating and then let's go" Renjun motioned for the younger boys to hurry up. They finished quickly and let themselves be led home. Mark grabbed Jaemin's wrist, holding him back so they were walking behind the others and Mark could have a private conversation with Jaemin.

"What were you thinking? Your old enough to know better than to sneak off like that?" Renjun scolded Chenle. Jeno was having a similar conversation with Jisung.

"Like you did?" Chenle retorted sharply. Renjun sighed.

"Is that why? Because we snuck out?" Renjun guessed. Chenle shrugged. That was why but it sounded stupid now so he wasn't going to say that.

"Well let me tell you something, that was the worst mistake we could have ever made. We got in big trouble and something could have happened to us. Something could have happened to you just because you wanted to seem cool? Are you serious?" Renjun lectured. Chenle wished he had never come up with the idea in the first place.

"I'm sorry" Chenle curled in on himself. Renjun looked at him; there was no way he could tell on his brother. Jaemin maybe because he was a brat and he did this deliberately but Chenle and Jisung were mostly innocent.

"I won't tell. Just promise me no more sneaking out okay?" Renjun compromised.

"I promise" Chenle nodded, vowing to keep that promise. The ice cream was good but the guilt was not worth it. Behind them, the four boys could hear Jaemin kicking up a fuss quickly followed by the unmistakable sound of hand meeting jeans and then Mark caught up to the others, carrying Jaemin over his shoulder.

"When we get home, all three of you go to your rooms. Consider that punishment for sneaking out" Mark decided. Renjun was about to cut in and say that wasn't fair but one look from Mark and he shut up. Taeyong never questioned why the younger three stayed in their rooms but he was curious about it. He figured that it was taken care of and Mark went up there after a while, returning with the three who apologized to Renjun, Jeno and Mark for something.

Yeah, Taeyong really did not want to know.


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