Sick cuddles

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"Lele, what are you doing?" Taeyong had not expected to find the second youngest curled up in Taeyong's bed, clutching the little dolphin that he had owned since birth.

"Dad...!" Chenle whined. Taeyong frozen; he really didn't want to deal with a sick kid. Not again. Haechan had just gotten over being sick and the others did too not long before that. Chenle has been the only one who didn't catch whatever the boys had but Taeyong should've known this would happen sooner or later.

"What hurts?" Taeyong picked the seven year old up, practically melting when Chenle clung to him.

"Everything" Chenle mumbled, his words muffled by him pressing his face into Taeyong's shirt.

"Come on, let's get you some medicine and then it's back to bed with you, little one. Do you want to sleep with me?" Taeyong was well aware that Chenle was probably getting too old for that but it was something Taeyong offered to all the boys when they were sick and some of them would say yes. Mark even said yes a few times in the past despite being twelve and 'too old'.

"Yeah" Chenle nodded, clinging to Taeyong's shirt. He took his medicine with little fuss and Taeyong carried him back to his room, tucking the seven year old under the covers and laying down next to him. He rubbed little circles on Chenle's back to help the kid sleep and it worked.

"Is Lele okay?" Jisung walked into Taeyong's room with Jaemin right behind him.

"He's sick" Taeyong answered quietly so he didn't disturb the sleeping child. He didn't feel bad for letting Jaemin and Jisung come onto the bed. The two of them were still a little sick so he let it happen. If it were any of the others who were fully recovered, he would've sent them back to bed.

"Oh no" Jisung brushed his brother's hair out of his eyes, looking at Chenle with big eyes. Taeyong had always admired the connection between some of the boys and it still amazed him. Chenle stirred a little in his sleep and then smiled, as if he could tell that Jisung was there.

"Can we sleep in here?" Jaemin wondered, sniffling a little. Taeyong considered that. Having one kid in his bed was bad enough but he couldn't turn away the other two. Besides, he sometimes had five kids in his bed so three wouldn't be too bad.

"Come on. But no talking or your going back to your own room" Taeyong held the covers up for the two boys. Jaemin climbed up, snuggling into Jisung who had his arms wrapped protectively around Chenle. Taeyong didn't sleep that night, too occupied with watching his boys. They looked peaceful when they slept.


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