Chapter 43: The Island

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After the incident, we were worried that we would be banned from the arcade, but luckily the only thing we received was a warning. Next time, we won't let Kouki play with Nanahara again. After that, I received a message from Kasai inviting me to have dinner together.

Even before nightfall, I received several invitations from my friends to eat or hang out somewhere. Of course, I turned them down. Some were a little surprised, but in the end, they didn't mind.

Finally, at 7 p.m., I went to see Kasai as promised. She was on the middle deck at the back of the ship. There was a restaurant where we could eat while enjoying the ocean view. Kasai was waiting there. It wasn't very popular, but it was still a public place, so I wondered why she asked me to meet her there.

When I arrived, I saw that the restaurant was as quiet as I expected it to be. Every table in the restaurant was shaded by a parasol, and at the one closest to the railing, I saw Kasai sitting there, propping her chin with her palm and staring at the ocean. She turned to me as I approached.

"Good evening, Kurose-kun," Kasai greeted me with her trademark smile. "How are you today? Still having fun?"

"More or less," I answered briefly while sitting in front of her. "This is an open place, is it really okay if we meet here?"

"It's okay. If anyone sees us, just say that we're having a date," she said casually. It reminded me of how I was teased by Gilang this morning.

"I think an excuse like that will only cause more problems," according to Miwa, people had been gossiping about me and Nanahara. The sight of me and Kasai in a place like this, just the two of us will only complicate things. Kouki might think that I tried to cuck him.

"I told you, don't worry about that...just relax and enjoy the calming evening breeze...I've already ordered some food."

"What did you order?"

"Duck cooked with Marengo style, have you ever eaten that?"

Duck Marengo? First time I heard that. "I've tried Chicken Marengo but not duck."

"That means this is a good opportunity to try," Kasai said. Not long after she finished speaking, the waiter arrived with two plates of duck with sauce, lemon slices, mushrooms, eggs, and shrimp. The aroma was delightful. He also brought two glasses of lemon tea.

Kasai thanked the waiter, who responded with a polite smile and nod before leaving us. She picked up her fork and knife and said, "Try it..."

At her request, I took the first bite. When I put the meat in my mouth, I could feel how tender the meat I was eating. The sauce is also very tasty.

"It's delicious, right?" Kasai asked and I answered with a nod. We enjoyed our food solemnly for a while before I finally remembered the reason I came here. There's no way Kasai called me just to show off her favorite food.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked straight to the point.

"No need to rush," Kasai answered. "Before that, look down there..."

From here, we could see the rear deck of the ship. Just like the top deck, the deck behind it had a pool, although it was smaller and surrounded by dozens of whirlpool bathtubs. Each tub had a light underneath that illuminated the back deck at night, creating a colorful sight, especially with the moon in the sky. Down there, I could see several couples having a good time together or simply enjoying the night view.

"What a romantic sight," Kasai said happily, like a middle schooler who read a shoujo manga. "Don't you think so, Kurose-kun?"

Indeed, the view of the deck below looks very romantic, but I don't understand what she means by that. Therefore I can only give her a short answer. "Indeed..."

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