Chapter 5 : Class B

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I walked to my room in a bad mood. The karaoke just now didn't go as expected because everyone was teasing me to death. I mean, what did they expect? They're the ones who choose some random song for me, a song that I've only heard two or three times, and when I sing badly they laugh at me? Fuck them all, especially Minami. That bastard laughed the loudest without mercy. Well in the end we still have some fun but I can't help but feel annoyed.

After entering the room, I quickly changed my clothes and immediately opened my laptop. To fix my feelings, I intend to play Red Dead Redemption until late at night. After half an hour of playing, my mood is slowly getting better. Suddenly my cell phone rang so I paused my game.

Nee-chan : "You don't have any plans tomorrow, do you?"

It seems Nee-chan wants to ask me to do something for the weekend. Usually, she would spend time with her friends on weekends, but this time was different. Maybe she just wants to do some shopping and needs me to carry her shopping bags.

"No. I'll probably just play games all day."

Nee-chan : "Then join me for lunch at Palette."

Oh, apparently not for shopping.


Nee-chan : "My friends, they want to meet you."

Huh? Meet me? Why do they want to meet me? Before my fingers could move to type a reply suddenly a new message came in.

Nee-chan : "They're just curious. It's not every day you get to meet twins."

Ah, so it seems. I still feel a little awkward but it's okay. I think it would be better if I got to know more students from other classes.

"Okay. I will come."

After sending my reply, I returned to my game. Class B, huh. During this week I haven't had the chance to meet students from other classes. To be honest I'm a little curious. What kind of people are they? How are their dynamics with each other? This question will probably be answered tomorrow.


At first, I was a little confused about what to wear but after a few minutes of thinking I decided to just be myself and wear whatever I felt comfortable with. I went down to the first floor and approached my sister who was waiting for me in the lobby. When I greeted her, she looked at me from head to toe, as if she was inspecting me. I'm starting to feel awkward about it.

"What? I look that bad?"

Nee-chan sighed. "Whatever. Come on, my friends are waiting at the café."

"Why don't they wait for us?"

"Some of them have club activities on Saturdays, some need to take care of some business. It was better if we came a bit later anyway."

"Why?" I asked again but instead of answering she changed the subject. On the way, Nee-chan asked me to stop by at the volleyball gymnase. I don't understand why, but I decided to just go along with it.

From outside the gymnase, I can already hear the sound of shoes squeaking and the sound of the ball hitting the floor. The inside is quite spacious. There are several volleyball courts so you can hold seveal match at the same time. One of them is being used for practice by the girl's volleyball team.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"Last night my friend left her ID card in my room, I'm here to deliver it."

"Which one is your friend?"

"The tallest one."

I looked at the court and there was one girl towering over everyone. Her body is slim and her hair is tied into a ponytail. I'm guessing she must be around 185 cm (about 6 feet) or so. Incredibly tall for a high school girl.

Classroom of The Elite : The MarionetteKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat