Chapter 18: Passing Grade

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Time passed and the midterm exams were getting closer and closer. Our study group has been running for two and a half weeks. Every student studies seriously or at least tries. As a result, I've been hanging out less and less with Nee-chan and Teiichi. Both are also busy with the midterm exams. Sometimes I meet them in the library. As usual, Teiichi studied seriously and sometimes also taught his friends. Meanwhile, Nee-chan looked very lazy.

Kazami kept his promise. He never skips the study session even though he always looks miserable. He often fights with Sawatari and we were kicked out of the library once because they were too noisy. With us as intermediaries, finally, Sawatari and Kazami agreed to be more patient. At least a little.

"Aaagh!... That's enough! Why is this calculation so difficult?" Kazami complained while putting his head on the table.

"It's not difficult if you look carefully at the formula." Sawatari reminded.

"I did, it's just the same!"

"When I say to be look, it doesn't mean just to be seen, you also have to practice it."

"Oh, please. One more math problem and I'm going crazy."

That's the kind of fight we usually hear. Kazami complains and Sawatari is about to nag him. To be honest we are all getting tired of this.

"A-ano..." Komugi tried to weigh in hesitantly.

"What?" Kazami, who was still upset due to his fight with Sawatari, unconsciously rebuked the poor girl.

"I-I-I am sorry, forget it."

"Kazami-kun, don't scare her," Miwa admonished him. "It's okay Eiko-chan, just say it. If he dares to raise his voice I will slap him."

" don't have to go that far," said Komugi. "Um...look. I know an easy way to solve this problem."

"Really," Kazami shifted his book to Komugi. "Show me."

" add this here then..." Komugi explained with a bit of a stutter, but apparently, her method was really easy. It was so easy that even Kazami could understand.

"Right, it's very easy. Hey Sawatari! Why can't we do it like this?" Kazami protested.

"It easy, indeed" Sawatari explained. "But that's not a standard method. The formula you use is just as important, especially if the exam is in the form of an essay. You can only use Komugi-san's methods when time is running out."

"Tch, why is it so complicated? I mean the answer is the same."

"Never mind Kazami," Shinji interrupted. "Sawatari knows better. Just listen to her if you want to get good grades. But to be honest, I also think that school curriculum is a huge pain in the ass."

"Then why don't you guys just resign, you muscle brains." Sawatari rails.

"Take it easy, Sawatari-san," Arai tried to calm her. "Or your face will get wrinkles."

"You shut up, and stop glancing at girls from other classes! Learn properly, you playboy!"

This is what our study group looks like. Sometimes more than half of our time is spent insulting and bantering each other. Even so, I have to admit, the study groups were quite effective. Indeed, there hasn't been a significant increase in grades, but it's easier for me to understand lessons that I didn't understand at all before. I'm sure the other students think the same way.

I'm no longer worried about our grades but now there's one thing that's giving me a bit of concern. Kasai had rarely been seen at group study time lately. Usually, she still finds time to come and help Sawatari but now she always disappears. Sawatari had already reprimanded her but she was ignored. I was so curious about what she was doing.

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