Kasai Himiko's SS: Threads

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Sensei told me to come to this school, and that's why I have high expectations of this place. So far this place has not disappointed but the students are a different story. How far are we different from ordinary people? I know my standards may be too high but that's the way it is. Now I realized that all this time I was really surrounded by unusual people. The place where I grew up is also very far from normal.

I was heading to the convenience store at the time. I saw a shelf with free goods and most of the first years just ignored it. They don't realize that it is the biggest clue this school has given us. If only they stopped and thought for a while...Well, it's none of my business in the end if they're stupid.

 I stood in front of a shelf filled with various kinds of sweets. I've always had a weakness for sweets, and today I'm in heaven. They won't let me eat much candy in the facility. My points are more than enough to buy a month's supply.

My earphones were playing songs from Paramore and Dua Lipa and occasionally Kaneko Ayano. However, my Airpods started to run out of battery so I turned them off. It was then that I heard a certain boy talking to a shop worker. I think I recognize that voice.

"Are those things over there really free?"

"Yeah, it's all free."

Ah, finally someone who realized. At least this one is still using his brains. I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation. He questioned the clerk a bit, but in the end, the clerk couldn't give the answer he wanted. I also peeked from behind the shelf and saw the boy talking to his friend who was wearing glasses. Apparently, he is a boy in my class. He even sat next to me. His friend with glasses must be from another class because I didn't recognize him.

"From now on we should conserve our points."

"...You are right."

This is the conclusion they got. He has not arrived at the truth but he is already on the right path. I wonder how quickly he can see through all this.

The next day I found out that his name was Kurose Yukiharu. The kanji used is "black", "stream", "reason", "to rise" and "to manage". That name suits him. Unfortunately, so far I've seen that he hasn't done anything meaningful apart from warning Satonaka of the point system at this school. It is not good. He would be of little use if he were to remain as an observer. That's why sooner or later I have to do something.

Each day this school becomes more and more interesting. Each class competes for temporary advantages in their lives. It's sad, but besides the 'stick,' you also need a 'carrot' if you want your donkey to move forward. The rewards that this school offers are useless to me but for other students, it can determine their fate in the future. That's why they're so easy for me to control.

I met some senpais who were desperate. When you're in the mouth of an abyss, you wouldn't care what kind of person who throws the rope at you. You will grab the rope and try your best to get out of the abyss. That's how they are. That night we promised to meet in the park to discuss our 'cooperation', or so I called it.

"They will meet tonight," said the crew-cut senpai. "That bastard Kumoi is back to bragging to his friends. It seems he hasn't learned his lesson after being humiliated once."

"So tonight you seriously about to take down that guy? Are you sure you can do it?" the curly hair asked me.

"Not taking down, I'll just squeeze him a little. It's still too soon for that."

"What?" the crew-cut senpai looks surprised. His ugly face looked even uglier. "But you said you would help us against Class A and Class B?"

"Yes, and I will, senpai. Don't worry, in two months, not only will their class points be reduced, but you will also get some extra pocket money."

Both of them exchanged glances. I know the two of them don't fully trust me right now, but that's okay. In less than a month they will be prostrate at my feet. The two insignificant guys are just insects to me, that's why they better behave if they don't want to suffer.

"You've been talking a lot, kouhai," the crew-cut senpai said. "But can you back up your words? I know you're smart for being able to see through the S-system, but to be honest, the more I hear it, the more I'm sure you're just boasting."

Oh, look at this guy's mouth. He dared to say that I was spouting some empty words? Doesn't he know that he himself has been entangled in my threads? I could have made them prostrate right now, but I had to be patient. My pride must be controlled, otherwise one day I could fall from heaven like Lucifer.

"You don't need to worry about that senpai." I looked right at their eyes and both of them shuddered. "You guys just need to sit tight and wait to hear from me. I have promised to bring gold, and it is gold that I will present to you, therefore I hope that you will also show me the respect that I deserved."

Both fell silent and looked at me like I was a wolf groaning at them. Oh my, looks like I overdid it. At least, they would think twice before questioning my abilities.

"S-sorry if we were rude," said the curly senpai. "We will entrust it all to you. Is there anything else you need?"

"No, senpai. What you have done is more than enough." I gave them my sweet smile while my ears caught the sound of footsteps. Someone is walking towards us.

"O-okay then, see you later."

When the two guests said their goodbye, the third came over. I feel very happy with his arrival. It seems fate is smiling on me tonight.

I saw a boy walking toward me carrying a grocery bag. It seems he just came back from the convenience store. The timing couldn't be more perfect than this. As if knocking out two birds with one stone, tonight I'll get a few extra points as well as a new piece. A much more valuable piece than the those two insects. I'll take this piece to the edge of the chessboard and turn it into something higher. I wonder what he'll turn into. Is it Knight? Bishop? Rook? Or maybe... the Queen? Whatever it is I'm lucky enough to have someone like him in my class.

As he got closer I turned to him. I smiled when I saw his handsome face illuminated by the garden lights. Tonight, he too will be entangled with my threads. I'm sorry, but I won't let you go easily.

"Good evening, Kurose-kun."


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