Chapter 29: Tether

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Yesterday's party was pretty fun apart from some unexpected things. I've gotten to know more Class B students, but in the end, I still couldn't find any suspicious people in that class. Either because this White Roomer didn't come or because they hid well at the party. That day I decided to message Kasai and we agreed to have lunch together on the roof like the other day.

When I got to the roof, I saw that she had arrived first. The girl sat leaning against the fence, eating dumplings from her lunch box. Meanwhile, I just bought a piece of soba bread and some juice.

"You didn't bring lunch today?" she asked as I sat down next to her.

"I'm not that hungry," I replied as I opened the plastic bag of my soba bread. When I ate it apparently it tasted much better than I thought. Maybe I'll buy this every day from now on.

"You have something you want to report?"


"Speak then..."

"Yesterday Shinji and I went to a class B's birthday party."

"Everyone was there?"

"No, those present were around 20 or so people."

"Tell me in detail."

I tell her everything from everything that happened to who was present at the party. Kasai listened as she ate her dumplings and occasionally nodded in understanding as I recounted events. Kasai was as relaxed as ever but I could tell that her mind was currently capturing various information that I couldn't.

"So what conclusion did you come to? Have you found anybody...suspicious?" Kasai asked after I finished my story.

When I look back, I don't think there's anything worth of note. Masaki is too stiff and blatant. Shiraishi also seemed to be just an ordinary model student. The only acquaintance of mine in Class B who might be a little suspicious is Hayashi Rika. She is quiet but she tends to observe her surroundings and is close friends with Shiraishi. If she was a White Roomer then it would make sense for her to get close to Shiraishi. Unfortunately, at this time it was only an assumption that I wasn't even one hundred percent sure of yet.

"None of them are least so far. It's also possible that they didn't even attend the party."

While I was talking, Kasai spilled the drink from the water bottle into the large lid and then took a small gulp before speaking. "Are you looking for them while using me as a yardstick?"

"Well...Yeah, you're the only White Room student I know..."

"Makes sense," she said. "But too bad, that was a mistake. Didn't I tell you a few days ago? Just because we were all educated in the White Room doesn't mean we are the same. Your view will be limited if you think like that."

"Indeed, but what other choice do I have? In the end, I have to start from something."

"Whatever, the point is you still haven't found anything right?"

"Unfortunately yes."

"It's okay, it would be really disappointing if you could find them that fast, more importantly, what about the three kittens you're taking care of?"

Kittens? Oh, she probably meant Komugi, Nanahara, and Kazami. She did ask me to take care of them. "So far Komugi and Kazami living their life as usual, they're in the same study group as me so it's easy to keep an eye on them, the problem is Nanahara. That girl until now still doesn't want to be disturbed."

"You better do something about her, as soon as possible" Kasai suggested. "Some unsavory rumors are going around about her, it looks like the candy hair girl has made an enemy."

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