Chapter 42: Reputation

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We've been on the ship for a week. For some reason, I feel that my physical fitness has started to deteriorate. Before the holiday, Shinji and I had stopped going to the gym because we had to study for final exams. That's why lately he often takes me to the gym to make up for all of the gain that we lose. We also occasionally invite Kouki and Gilang. As a judoka, Kouki is strong enough but still lacking in speed and stamina. Gilang is the opposite, he has good stamina and is also quite agile but his strength can be said to be ordinary.

Apart from the gym, we often go to the arcade as usual. You could say this is our favorite activity to unwind. Today the four of us were on our way to the arcade and were talking about what game we were going to play. There were several students there. Some of them play in groups or individually. Among them, the one that caught our attention the most when we stepped in was a pink-haired girl who was playing Tekken.

"Oi, look at that. This is the third time I've seen her here," said Kouki.

The same girl who sat behind me in class. She was never seen in the pool or other recreational areas. This arcade seems to be the only place she visits, and if not here, I've heard that she's often seen daydreaming on the deck while staring at the ocean.

Despite my efforts to make her more comfortable in class, Nanahara Mari was still practically an outcast in our class. The girl was no longer as rude as before but she still tended to be alone. Most of our classmates besides Satonaka are still reluctant to be friends with her, even her own roommate.

"I don't know if I should feel sorry for that girl..." said a concerned Shinji. "There are still a lot of people who don't want to accept her despite the apology."

"Well, at least she doesn't seem to be bothered by it..." Kouki chimed in.

"That just makes it worse," Shinji argued. "Getting used to being alone is just...too sad..."

"Wow, I never thought you could be quite sensitive," Kouki commented and to be honest I agreed with him.

"If you're that worried, how about you ask her to play together?" Gilang suggested. "I mean don't you guys wonder how good she is? From what I see she could be very good at arcade games."

Well, for some reason Nanahara gives the impression of a girl who often plays games in her free time. The last time I visited Nanahara's room, I realized that she had a game console. Considering she's rarely seen outside of school hours, I don't think it's a stretch to assume that games are her only entertainment.

"Good idea," Kouki said. "Yukiharu, go and ask her..."

I was a little stunned. "Me?"

"Who else? You are the closest to her."

"You're her classmates too, how hard is it to approach her and say hi?"

"Yeah, it's just...." Kouki exchanged glances with Gilang nervously. "It feels a bit awkward if we go there..."

I don't really understand but is this how all my classmates feel towards Nanahara? I knew that most seemed to be reluctant towards her for some reason but I didn't expect it to be this bad. It seemed like her apology the other day didn't bring much change other than making them tolerate her existence.

"Okay, I'll talk to her," I couldn't help but act. Nanahara and I may still not be considered friends, but apart from Satonaka, I'm the only one who can be a bridge between her and the other students. Since I have already saved her once, then might as well go all the way.

"I'm coming with you," said Shinji.

"Okay, then Gilang and I will try a new Time Crisis over there. Good luck..." Kouki and Gilang seemed unwilling to endure the possible awkwardness, deciding to separate themselves. Well, the arcade machine only had two seats so instead of just standing and watching, it was better for them to go and try another game. After the two of them left, Shinji and I walked over to the girl.

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