Chapter 8 : Sukeban

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I spent the whole night thinking about all the information I had and how I could use it. I thought about telling my classmates everything, but I hesitated. On second thought, it felt too risky. The more people who know the more chances that it will reach the ears of the teachers or the school staff. I was worried that I would be questioned by the school about how I got all that information. I also wouldn't be able to dodge it by saying that I just deduce it by myself. Information such as class points and special exams is too specific to be known without leaks from others.

Therefore I decided to stay silent until next month. Besides for my own safety, it will also be more useful for my class. If I told them everything, I believe some of my classmates wouldn't listen. When sensei revealed everything in the next month, they might be in an uproar but at the same time, they would be more motivated to study and improve their attitude.

With that mindset, I went to school as usual. As I entered the classroom, I realized that Nanahara's seat was empty. At first, I thought she was just late but until class started she still didn't show up. She was indeed a student who looked undisciplined but she had never skipped classes before. Maybe she thought that Kumoi would report her so she felt that there was no use in attending the class if she was going to be expelled in the end. She still didn't know that Kasai already solves that problem. Even if Kumoi did report her, she still wouldn't be kicked out. At most, she's simply suspended.

Looks like my decision to request the video from Kasai was the right one. Nanahara will need insurance so her mind can be at peace. After this, I intend to visit her room and give her the video.

"Yukiharu, I want to buy some snacks. Wanna come along?" Minami asked me out right after the teacher ended the day's lesson. Even though I had planned to meet Nanahara after this, it wouldn't hurt to go out for a bit with Minami.


"Nice. I will also invite a few more people. I'm bored, so let's hang out somewhere."

Among the boys, Gilang, Arai, and Iwa are the closest to us. That's why we invited them. Arai refused because he already had an appointment but Gilang and Iwa happily agreed. During the trip, we spent time joking and discussing unimportant things. For example, why can't school time be shortened, or does Shionome-sensei already have a boyfriend or not? Iwa started babbling about how Sensei is still single judging by the way she walks and the way she talks. We all listened even though we knew that everything he said was pure nonsense. After a while, Iwa got bored and started to change the subject.

"By the way Minami-kun, are you sure you're not going to join any clubs? My senpai really wants you, you know?"

Minami once showed off his extraordinary physical abilities during PE class. Since then, some of our friends who belong to the sports club have been trying to recruit Minami, including Iwa who is a member of the Judo club. Minami however still didn't budge.

"Sorry, but no matter how many times you ask my answer will be the same."

"Why?" Iwa asked. "With your talent, you can collect a myriad of achievements. You can even be club captain if you want."

"I don't train my body for mere awards. I did it for myself."

"But..." Iwa looked like he wanted to argue but instead, he stopped and started to sigh. "Alright. But if one day you change your mind, don't forget that our doors will always be open for you."

"This person never gives up," Gilang commented with a laugh. I kinda agree with him.

We arrived at the convenience store not long after. As we were about to enter it, I saw a girl sneaking into the back of the shop. The girl was clearly a student but she wasn't wearing her school uniform.

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