Chapter 34: Investigation

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The baseball field in question is about a seven-minute walk from the intersection. The entire street was an area that was planned for restoration, so there weren't any students running around. The baseball field is to the right of the road with a high fence. On the left is an old shopping building which is now framed with various iron frames and they also use quite large cranes. On the outside of the building is a board that reads "Caution. Area Under Construction. Do Not Enter".

"They seem really busy," Rika-chan muttered. Today I asked her to accompany me because maybe a little insight from her would be useful. Even though she's quiet, Rika-chan is quite intelligent and can see things that I sometimes miss.

"Yes, it's a shame that the construction has already resumed today. I at least hope they let us take a look at the crime scene," I told her my thoughts.

The construction is still going on so this place is quite busy. I could see lots of workers going back and forth to the field carrying bricks and sacks of cement. Each of the workers looked very well-built which was not surprising considering the hard work they were doing. As a girl who grew up in a family of businessmen, I could never imagine what it would be like to work like that. Because the roads were rather narrow, the only tools they brought were forklifts and cement mixers.

I didn't immediately check the scene but took a look at the field first, besides my other partner for today still hasn't arrived. Because the places are facing each other, it's not surprising that the ball can be thrown all the way here. But my gut tells me that's not what actually happened.

"Saki-chan," Rika-chan called then pointed at the baseball field. Apparently, Yukiharu-kun just arrived and is currently looking at the field from outside the high fence.

"Yukiharu-kun!" I shouted calling while waving my hand. The messy-haired man turned towards us and then walked closer.

"Good morning Shiraishi, and you too Hayashi...I didn't know you were too."

"Good morning," I answered his greeting followed by Rika-chan. "I thought she could help us, that's why I brought him. Why are you late? Oversleep?"

"Well...yeah" Yukiharu-kun answered while averting his eyes slightly.

"Playing games again?"

"No, I watched a movie with Nee-chan last night," Oh, Yukie-chan. You often remind him not to stay up late, but then you stay up all night with him instead. Hehe, in the end, the two of them weren't that much different. Yukiharu-kun then looked towards the building behind us. "Construction is already underway, will they let us have a look?"

"I dunno, how about we ask them?" I walked over to a construction worker who was sitting while wiping his sweat with a cloth around his neck. Yukiharu-kun and Rika-chan are following behind me.

"Excuse me, sir," the man raised his face and several workers passing behind him also glanced briefly at us.


"Sorry if we disturb you at a busy time. Can we have a moment?"

"Sure, what can I do for you?" he seems like a pretty friendly person.

"We just want to ask about the accident that happened two days ago at this place."

"Accident? Ah, I know what you mean. Sorry, but at the time our work was temporarily suspended, so none of us knew anything about it."

"Then, if you don't mind, may we take a look at the scene?"

The man stroked his thin beard while closing his eyes, he seemed to be considering my request. "Hm...I'm sorry young lady, but this area is off-limits for students. Especially after what happened yesterday. If you guys are playing detective better stop it..."

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