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Our chapter begins with a Science class with Mrs Mendeleiv.

"Today, you'll be performing an experiment on how fire can be able to heat up objects, even without having it be on contact with a particular object," Ms. Mendeleiv explained while presenting a tray with a tower of stainless steel together, with some ash surrounding it.

"Well, metal itself is flammable, so can't it catch fire," Mylene asked curiously.

"While yes, that is true, in some cases, like with this stainless steel here, it isn't flammable and can't catch fire," Ms. Mendeleiv answered before adding, "But it doesn't mean it can't still be affected.

To demonstrate, she then pulled out a match and lit it before putting the female on the ash, the fire immediately lighting p and following the ash trail, circling the tower of stainless steel with fire.

"Ooh," the class said, surprised to see this.

Ms. Mendeleiv then asked, "So, aside from being able to melt through a myriad of different objects, what else can we see fire do"?

"It's able to heat things up," Adrien answered while raising his hand, adding in his response, "Because of its high temperatures."

"Exactly," Ms. Mendeleiv replied while saying, "Even if fire can't be able to pass onto something that isn't flammable, it can still be able to heat things up, especially with objects that are susceptible to heat, like metal."

Then, she used a spray bottle to douse the flames and then pulled out a thermometer, saying, "Look at this," before placing the temperature on the tower.

The class watched the temperature rise, as Sam said, "Because of the fire, it made the temperature of the tower of steel rise, heating it up"?

"Very good, Sam," Ms. Mendeleiv replied, adding, "And sometimes, when fire heats up an objects, it can make it even dangerously hotter than the fire itself, so you always have to be careful with what is around you when you're in close proximity with fire, though you should never be close to fire itself unless for a very good reason."

Then it's Lunch break, and for afternoon class, it's History Class where our heroes learns about the myth of Perseus and his fight against the Gorgon : Medusa.

Princess Malty was playing the piano gracefully when all of a sudden..

"Princess Malty !" Kamek and Barrel said, bursting through the door.

"GAH!" Malty yelped in shock before recomposing herself. "Jasper and Horace...! How many times do I have to tell you to knock on the door before entering...!?"

At first glance, everyone should always knock on the door before entering so as not to cause a heart attack for the one who is on the other side of the door.

"Sorry, your highness but we have something to tell you." The Dalmatian apologized before saying.

"Umm... Majesty, since when do you play the piano?" The shorter man asked with a bit of confusion.

"Huh...!?" Malty exclaimed as she watched her piano room before turning to see his two lackeys. "Bah, that's not your business, now what do you want here? I hope it's good news."

"Good news...!" Jasper and Horace spoke in shock.

"It's kinda funny you're telling it because sadly it is not something that you're waiting for...!" Jasper said with a bit of nervous laughter.

"It's something that we saw with the human alter-egos of Ladybug, Bunnyx alongside Raphtalia." Horace added.

"What did you two see?" The princess asked them both.

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