Reflekdoll 2.0

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In Mrs Bustier classroom, our heroes learns about the tale of Sleeping Beauty, Some students which is mainly the Miraculous heroes and their civilian identity focuses on the lesssons while other students which is mainly Les Enfants Terribles are plotting against the Miraculous heroes to humiliate them, then it's lunch time. Then it's Photography class with Vincent the Photographer.

After class, Juleka was looking at the paper crane that Rose had made for her during Ms. Bustier's class at school earlier, and smiled, thinking it was one of the cutest gestures Rose had done for her. It always warmed her heart when Rose would do these kinds of things, whether to help cheer her up when she's had a bad day, or to just make her smile. It made Juleka feel very happy to have someone as special as Rose as a part of her life.

Suddenly, she heard a voice call out to her, saying, "Greetings, Ms. Couffaine."

Juleka knew who that voice belonged to, turning around and seeing Felix standing behind her. Not in the mood for whatever sick game he had planned, she stepped back when she saw him approaching her, asking the boy, "What do you want"?

Felix kept it straight to the point, saying, "Here's how this is gonna work: as you know, the alliance between me and Chloe's group Les Enfants Terrible and Hawk Moth are looking for new members to help us put an end to those pesky Miraculous heroes. And you appear to give off just the right amount of energy to take it to that particular level."

"And what makes you think I'd have any interest in joining you," Juleka asked disdainfully, keeping a firm glare on Felix.

Felix chuckled, saying, "It's not like you have a choice. Because if you don't, let's just say a certain piece of information might get leaked out for everyone to know."

Juleka raised an eyebrow, asking, "What on earth are you talking about"?

Felix walked around Juleka, saying, "Oh, you don't think I've noticed? The way you seem to be close to that little "Rose" of yours? I know that you obviously must have some strong romantic feelings for her. Wouldn't it be a shame if that were to get out for all to know"?

Juleka appeared surprised by this at first...before she broke into laughter, much to Felix's confusion, as he didn't expect her to react that way.

Juleka then commented, "Bad news for you: my friends and family already know about it. As does Rose herself; we do happen to be dating, did you not know that"?

Felix was now the speechless one, with Juleka walking past him while saying, "Nice try."

Juleka felt proud for standing up to Felix like that; no way would anyone try to diss out on the love between her and Rose.

While Juleka was walking away, Felix recovered from his speechlessness and gritted his teeth, saying quietly, "You are gonna regret that, Juleka Couffaine."

Soon, Juleka arrived at Marinette's family's bakery and entered, heading up to Marinette's room.

Upstairs, she saw the rest of the Miraculous Team gathered by Marinette's desk, looking at something in intrigue.

Rose turned her head and saw Juleka had arrived and ran to her, saying, "Juleka, you made it! Come on," and took her by the hand.

Juleka smiled, a blush tinting her cheeks pink, as she followed Rose and came into the group to see what was going on.

Sam was sitting on a chair next to Marinette, typing something on her computer, while Marinette was giving him details about whatever he seemed to be typing.

"And I want the blog to also be able to show a wide display of photos for people to view for they can get a first taste of some of the outfits I design before they view the rest on my gallery," Marinette explained.

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