chapter thirty

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I LIE awake for hours, staring at the ceiling above me even though all I see is darkness because I cannot sleep. And the reason I cannot sleep is knowing that Zane is only a few steps away from me right now is driving me insane. The man I fought so hard to forget about for a year is suddenly within reach and hard to ignore.

I think I'm going insane, I need some fresh air.

Huffing, I slowly stand up out of my bed and using my phone as a flashlight I make my way downstairs. I gasp as I see a figure ahead of me, stood in the kitchen and suddenly I hear.


Oh for fucks sake.

"Zane." I reply without an ounce of surprise.

"What are you doing down here it's three am?" He asks as if he's not doing the exact same.

"I could ask you the same thing." I reply, switching the small lamp on so there's some light in the room.

"I couldn't sleep." He offers as an explainstion and I nod, "Same."

A familiar awkwardness hangs between our words, feeding off of our silence.

"I'm sorry." Zane says calmly and out of absolutely nowhere.

"Your sorry." I repeat, buying myself time to make sense of what he's talking about.

"I never meant to hurt you." Zane elaborates with the most manly sentences ever. They all say that.

"That's what Wyatt said to me and look how that turned out." I laugh bitterly.

"I had a lot going on. Things happened in my life that meant I had to change my priorities. I handled it all the wrong way and I hurt you and I'm sorry about it." Zane tells me, ignoring my comment.

Someone's determined to apologise.

I look at him for a moment, "Okay." I nod. "We can talk."

Five minutes later and I'm sat opposite Zane by the kitchen table with a cup of tea in hand as he does something I know he hates, and he talks.

"I'm not telling you this as an excuse and I'm not looking for you to feel sorry for me. I just want to explain. I'm not trying to change your mind here."

I stay silent, not really knowing what to say to him and he takes it as a sign to go on.

"My dad died." I flinch at the words and the coldness with which he utters them.

"And my mum lost her job so I've been working more to help out and I never told you this but my sister has an eating disorder and she's been in recovery for a while now and she relapsed really badly this year."

Somehow Zane manages to stay calm and pretty unemotional as he describes to me the tragedy of a year he's had and I watch him with unshed tears in my eyes. And I don't know why I'm upset when it's his life. I guess I just don't like to think of him having to go through all of this.

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