chapter twenty six

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IT'S BEEN a year since I've seen Zane. And it's been eleven whole months without any mention of his name. He's not in my life anymore and I'm okay with that.

At first I waited, I waited for him to make the first move, to apologise, to want me; but after a whole month of waiting I started losing hope and I thought to myself, why am I wasting my time thinking about someone who clearly isn't thinking about me?

Each month that followed got easier, I started focusing on myself more, working out more, focusing on my work and my friendships. I became a better version of myself. It took a while to figure out but after years of everyone around me wanting the best for me, I finally started wanting it for myself.

I don't let myself think about him and nobody mentions him to me. He's completely cut out of my life, blocked and everything.

As I walk into the gym changing rooms, I stop and stare at myself in the mirror. My black workout set hugging my tanned skin tightly after a long weekend visiting of my family in the sun, my copper hair tied up into a messy ponytail and my silver headphones resting around my neck. I look well, healthy even.

And I feel good. I'm secure in my life and not dependent on anything or anyone else. I'm working on myself and my own issues and I feel like I'm healing.

After a quick shower and change, I walk to a nearby coffee shop to meet Morgan and Kelsey. Kelsey is a girl that we met at a bar six months ago who just instantly clicked with us. She's tall and blonde and looks like a model and is not into men at all.

"You know this guy invited me to a fight thing tonight. I thought we me might as well check it out. " Kelsey whispers loudly and I feel Morgan's eyes shift to mine.

Kelsey knows nothing about Zane, she met us long after we had cut contact and started pretending as if he didn't exist.

I don't respond, pretending as if the words haven't even registered.

Morgan replies, "Did he mention where it was?"

Kelsey nods, "Yeah." And proceeds to name the place that haunts my dreams.

"You okay, you look like you've seen a ghost." Kelsey turns to me, looking worried and I wallow thickly, burying any and all emotion deep down.

"Yeah, you guys should go check it out. Sounds fun."

"What about you.?" Kelsey replies while Morgan watches me, trying to figure out what I'm thinking no doubt.

I shrug, "Not my kinda thing."

Morgan pipes up suddenly and out of nowhere, "We should tell her."

My eyes fly to hers and I raise my brows. "No."

"Babe, it's been a year of pretending he doesn't exist." She argues.

"He doesn't exist to me anymore." I reply flatly.

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