chapter seventeen

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I'M GOING to a domestic abuse center today to hopefully find a therapist that can help me. Since the other day I've been spiralling more and more and I think I need help before it's too late.

"So, how can I help you today?" A woman with blonde hair and a kind smile asks me as soon as I step foot in her office.

"I uh, I recently got out of an abusive relationship and I'm uh just struggling to adjust." I barely string together a sentance but the woman doesn't seem to mind.

"That's okay, you've come to the right place. Do you mind telling me how long you were in the relationship?"

I chew on my bottom lip, twist my hands together in order to calm my racing heart. "Four and a half years."

If the lady has any opinion towards that then she doesn't show it. "Dr Katherine would be the best person for you to talk to. Would you like to meet her today?"


Within ten minutes I'm sat in another, much more comforting office with Katherine as she insisted that I call her.

Katherine has really curly hair that's tied back into a tight bun and is wearing a sweater with giraffes on it. Her office is painted a light blue colour and it's covered in every kind of plant imaginable.

"Tell me about yourself." She instructs and I wince.

"I work as a nurse in the local hospital and I do a lot of yoga." Is all I can come up with.

Katherine starts writing something down and I frown, what did I say that's worth writing?

"Are you comfortable talking about the relationship?" She asks me and I nod.


"Let's start with how you met and then we can go from there."

I think back to when we first met. It was in our freshman year of college and I was moving into my dorm and he offered to help me move my stuff. I accepted and he asked me out. From there we just starting dating, it wasn't anything notable.

I explain everything to Katherine until she asks me when the abuse started.

"I'm not really sure of the timeline. I guess at around the year and a half mark we started arguing a lot and he would get really really angry, sometimes he'd break stuff but never hurt me. From there he turned cruel and he would really hurt my feelings and mess with my head."

"And the physical stuff?" Katherine prompts.

I take a deep breath. "He was a boxer and if he lost his match he would get really drunk and take his anger out on me. It started with slaps and then turned into punches. He uh, he chocked me until I passed out one time."

"Do you mind me asking how you left?"

"Well after he uh chocked me I realised that he could've killed me and I started thinking of ways of leaving but my family lives across the country and I don't have a lot of money. I was out one night and a uh, friend who wasn't really a friend at the time and I'm not sure if he is now to be honest. But anyway he noticed bruises around my neck and I think that he was suspicious already but he helped me leave and is letting me stay at his place."

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