chapter sixteen

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ZANE ACTUALLY spent the day with me at the museum!

Not once, in our almost five year relationship did Wyatt ever come to the museum with me. I've always gone alone and I've always been kind of okay with it until today, from now on it's just sad if I go alone.

But I have Zane and I can drag him there whenever I want to.

I'm finding myself relaxing around Zane more and more everyday and my guard is starting to lower. I trust Zane a lot and I mean he must trust me a lot too, I'm living in his home.

I think he's getting more comfortable around me too. He even smiles sometimes and often takes the lead in conversation. That's a lot coming from him.

I catch him every now and again, looking at me like I'm some puzzle that he's stuck on. I wish that I could read his mind because I certainly cannot read his face. My aim is to try and get him to open up a little more, he knows a lot about my interests, I want to learn about his.

I'm currently lying in my bed. It's four am and I've woken up every hour so far for various reasons. This time I'm really thirsty and I have no water.

I reluctantly get out of bed and use my phone as a flashlight as I walk into the kitchen. I fill up my glass of water before deciding to sit on the couch for a bit. When I walk into the living room and I switch on the lamp I let out a short scream.

Why the fuck is Zane passed out on the couch?

My eyes drift to the empty bottle of very strong alcohol and I let out a sigh. Ah, I didn't expect that from him. Something must be wrong.

Zane stirs awake slowly, still very drunk and I stand there biting my lip anxiously, trying to figure out what to do.

I should just leave him alone.

But he's like an injured bird and I can't find the will to leave him.

"Zane?" I say, trying to get his attention.

"Wha, Callie?" He replies, his voice thick with liquor.

My heart beat skyrockets, knowing how agressive drunk men can be from first hand experience. Maybe this was a bad idea.

"Sweetheart? Is that you?" Zane mumbles and I sit next to him on the couch. He's not going to hurt you Calista, don't be stupid.

That's what I thought about Wyatt before it was too late.

"Yeah, it is." I say a little shakily and he perks up a little.

"I'm sorry." He apologises, sitting up straighter.

"What for?" I frown.

"Letting you see me like this."

Oh. That's really sweet.

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