Just You And Me, Together Under The Stars

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September 1st, 1989. Dear Diary-
Oops. Sorry, wrong fandom.

Friday, 1st of September, 05:09 AM. Katsuki's Dorm Room.

The sky was so pretty that morning.

The natural teal hue of the canvas, paired with the light fluffy clouds, seemed to look like pink and purple cotton candy to Katsuki.

Orange sunlight beamed through the balcony's glass doors, illuminating the room aswell as giving his many plants a healthy dose of sunshine.

His plants were set on his simplistic white furniture, with vinyl records and metal band posters hung up on the walls above them.

Katsuki was lying on his bed, his head and back against the wall as his Yamikumo calmly slept ontop of him, cuddling against his chest.

- Well, his upper half was, since his legs were sprawled out with one of them on the wall and the other bending in a way Katsuki didn't even know was physically possible. -

He played with his Yamikumo's free hand, lacing their fingers together absentmindedly. He had a soft smile on his face like always, just getting lost in his thoughts.

Their class had gotten back to UA late yesterday, and after his Yamikumo had gotten changed, he had seemingly passed out on the kitchen counter when he was about to make some coffee.

So, when he saw his tired Yamikumo on the counter, he immediately took him to his room and let him sleep there for the night.

He hoped his Yamikumo wouldn't be too annoyed with him when he woke up...

They were also both pretty exhausted from all that had happened those past couple of days, including the Provisional Hero License Exam, which only took place about a day ago.

It was a pain for both of them, but somehow they and their whole class had passed and successfully earned their licenses.

(Mainly because of Mikumo, since he was in a bad mood the morning of the exam and practically dragged Todoroki and Bakugo by their ankles when they tried to leave their class.)

But because of the exams, the 2 teenagers hadn't had a chance to discuss what happened between them on that rainy Wednesday night.

Katsuki sighed quietly, to not wake his unofficial boyfriend.

He could still remember that look of pure anguish on his Yamikumo's face.

He could still remember that infinite waterfall of tears that flowed down his Yamikumo's face as he sobbed loudly into his chest.

He could still remember how frustrated and overwhelmed his Yamikumo's voice sounded before he completely broke down in Katsuki's arms.

He could still remember every self-degrading comment his Yamikumo made about himself.

Was that really how his Yamikumo thought about himself?

He wanted his Yamikumo on his knees for him, but not like that!

Katsuki glanced over at the peaceful Yamikumo sleeping ontop of him.

𝐘𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐔𝐌𝐎! ★ 𝐌𝐇𝐀 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄 𝐀𝐔 ✓Where stories live. Discover now