How About All Three Of You Just Leave Me Alone With My Gadgets?

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Aftermath of USJ Attack Day. 05:23 PM. Akatani Household.

"I can't believe you took out that Nomu in one punch, All Might!"

Yeah, Mikumo couldn't believe it either.

Although Mikumo wasn't annoyed at it, he certainly wasn't happy about it.

Actually, he's never happy about anything.

As soon as he got home, he threw himself onto the couch in the most uncomfortable position possible, not bothering to take off his shoes. The front of his apartment was fairly clean, and would fool anyone into thinking he was a tidy person. But, of course, they've certainly never seen Mikumo's bedroom.

Then he remembered he can't do anything in silence.
Reluctantly, Mikumo reached over to the table, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. The TV started playing the most recent news broadcast as he flopped back onto the couch.

"BREAKING NEWS! Earlier today, UA's newest rescue training facility where Hero Course students were training was attacked. According to the authorities, the criminals call themselves the 'League Of Villains'. It's been reported that their aim is to kill Number One Hero, All Might. Even though the police have caught over 72 criminals, none of them know the whereabouts of their ringleader. More at 06:00 PM." The woman on TV announced.

Mikumo groaned as he sat up from the couch, kicking off his shoes and bag. He then continued to lazily lay on the couch, scrolling through his phone.
However, something caught his interest. He looked at his notifications, and saw he had a voicemail.

From his mother.

He went to his voicemails and put his phone right next to his ear.

"Hi, Mikumo. I heard your last message and saw what happened today. I hope your safe, I guess....
Ugh, how annoying. Worthless waste of space. Oh shit, it's still reco-" Is what the message played, shortly cut off.

'Don't think I don't know that already, Mother.' Mikumo thought to himself, sighing loudly.

He also saw that UA emailed everyone that the school was being shut down until Monday, but Mikumo was fine with that.


Monday, 17th of April, 7:56 AM. Sidewalk of UA Entrance.

Mikumo was walking to school along the sidewalk, rethinking about what happened two days ago. The USJ attack, the Villains, the shock, etc. He was still slightly surprised that All Might took credit for taking the Villains down, though.

Other than him, Asui, Mineta, and Aizawa are the only ones who know what actually happened in central plaza. However, Mikumo told all of them to keep quiet and not to say a word about it. Especially to the Press. Mikumo had also told Bakugo, who was naturally furious at All Might but Mikumo was able to get him under control.

But, that wasn't the only thing on his mind. Today, he was going to the Support Room. His own little paradise. He was a little bit excited by this. Just to work on gadgets and projects in peace. Truly all he wanted today.

He walked into the entrance, passing by all of the bushes and greenery that decorated it. No one was there since it still quite early, so it was very peaceful for Mikumo. He calmly walked into the building, roaming the empty hallways of the school.

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