Dude, We're Getting The Band Back Together!

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Saturday, 12th of August, 08:17 AM. Bakugo Household.

It had been two days.

Two. Whole. Fucking. Days. Since Yamikumo was kidnapped.

And Katsuki couldn't have felt worse.

After the Villains had escaped the forest, the authorities arrived and put out the fire, aswell as taking care of the extras that were injured. The attack and kidnapping was all over the news too.

Katsuki was thankful to be one of the only ones who weren't injured. Physically, atleast. Everyone was sent either back home or to the hospital that night.

Which, brings us to the end of our short recap.


Katsuki was staring at the ceiling on his bed, listening to one of his depressing song playlists on shuffle, thinking of his dear Yamikumo as the lyrics played.

"On sunny days I go out walking.."

His Yamikumo never left his house.

"I end up on a tree lined street.."

His Yamikumo studied trees for like a whole year.

"I look up at the gaps of sunlight.."

His Yamikumo hated the sunlight.

"I miss you more than anything!"

Katsuki teared up at his unfortunate relatability to the song.

He felt so...


He hated how he felt.

He hated how neither the school, nor Pros were doing anything about this case.

He hated how they didn't seem to give a shit about his sweet Yamikumo.

Was it because he was quirkless that they didn't care?

Was his Yamikumo really not important to the authorities?

There were no comments or speeches about this matter at all, so what the fuck were they doing this entire time?!

When he visited UA yesterday, looking for updates on the situation, All Might was laughing.


Laughing at him, and told him his Yamikumo would be fine.


Katsuki couldn't help but spiral into a panic.

What if something bad happened to his Yamikumo?

What if they hurt him?

His Yamikumo can't protect himself like he can!

His Yamikumo isn't as strong as he is.

𝐘𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐔𝐌𝐎! ★ 𝐌𝐇𝐀 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄 𝐀𝐔 ✓Where stories live. Discover now