Unpaid Internships Are Cool, I Guess.

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Monday, 8th of May, 09:47 AM. Train Station.

It was finally the morning of the Hero Agency Internships.

Mikumo ended up picking the Pro-Hero Snipe Agency, since he thought he could learn alot from a fellow gun wielder, aswell as having somewhat similar equipment as him.

During the time before Internships, Mikumo had noticed something. About Iida, more specifically. Iida just had this sort of uneasy feel to him, but Mikumo guessed that he was just having a hard time since his brother was in the hospital. He didn't think much of it, and felt a little bit of sympathy for the Class Deputy.

However, Iida wasn't his main focus.

Mikumo and the rest of Class 1-A were preparing to leave for their Internships at the train station. Before they left, Aizawa gave them all their Hero Costumes and set out some final statements before wishing their goodbyes.

"Everyone has their costumes, right? Remember, you don't have permission to wear them out in public yet. And don't lose them or anything."

"Make sure you mind your manners with the other Heroes too. Now get to it." Aizawa reminded, the rest of them replying with a quick 'Yes, Sir!'.

Right after, everyone departed to their respective trains, aswell as Mikumo. He said his goodbyes to Bakugo, and boarded the train. Mikumo sat in an empty booth and clutched his Hero Costume's case tightly. For the next 90 minutes of the ride, he focused on the outside view of the vehicle passing by until he arrived at his destination.

Once he arrived in the city, he got off the train and started heading to the agency for about 5 minutes. When he got there, he stared at the large building for a minute in slight awe. The agency was tall, with a more rustic aesthetic to it. On the outside, the walls were made of brick, with different shades of red and brown colouring it. Its entrance was one of those revolving doors, with the frame made out of metal. A staircase made of stone lead up to the door, with 2 pillars on the side and an overhang.

He went up the stairs, almost getting stuck in the revolving doors and headed into the agency. Like the outside, it had that rural feeling, this time with more wooden furniture and decorations. Mikumo could relate the setting to some sort of western style.

There was a man at the front desk, typing away at a computer as Mikumo walked up to him. The man quickly looked up at him with a kind smile on his face.

"Hello! Welcome to the Snipe Hero Agency! You must be the UA Intern, right?" He greeted, glancing at Mikumo's uniform and costume case.

Mikumo nodded in confirmation.

"Please go down the hall and take a right, Snipe's just in his office right now, you can't miss it!" The man said cheerily, pointing towards the hallway on his left. Mikumo quickly bowed at the man and headed over to the where he pointed to. The guy at the desk quickly waved at Mikumo before taking a sip of his coffee from a purple mug that read 'Cowboys are Hot'.

Mikumo roamed the hallway, glimpsing into some other rooms that held many other workers typing away at computers. He soon stopped once he went down another hallway, ending up at a tall door. Mikumo cautiously knocked on the door loudly before coming into the room. He found Snipe standing next to a wooden desk, holding a file in his hand before he noticed Mikumo in the doorway.

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