Does This Really Look Like The Face Of A Villain?... Nevermind...

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Tuesday, 11th of April, 07:56 AM. UA Hallway.

Mikumo got to school early that day, and was now walking to class peacefully. He knew the classroom would probably be empty since everyone got there around 08:10 AM or later.

Even though he's only known the class for a day, he had already figured out all their habits, weak points, and likes and dislikes. Some may say this is creepy, but this is just how Mikumo shows his admiration and respect. Analysis.

He soon made it to class, stepping into the room. He was expecting no one to be there, but to his dismay, there was one other person. None other than Shoto Todoroki.

This ought' to be good.

Mikumo sat down in his seat, right next to the window and behind Bakugo's, unfortunately. The room was dead silent, and Todoroki didn't even look up to look at Mikumo.

Wow, 2 socially-awkward introverts in a room.

What will happen next?

Will they kiss?

Not if Bakugo has anything to say about that!

They sat in silence for a few minutes, doing their own thing and not acknowledging eachother. Then, Mikumo heard a ding from his phone, breaking the silence. He picked it up, seeing he got a news alert. Mikumo liked being on top of things, (keep telling urself that yami) knowing the latest news and newest heroes. He saw that Pro-Hero Endeavour had just finished defeating a Villain, although he noticed there was much more damage than the Villain would've done. Mikumo rolled his eyes.

"Stupid Endeavour." He scoffed, not realising he said it aloud. This immediately caught the attention of Todoroki. They had something in common.

'Does this make us best friends now?' Todoroki thought to himself, now intrigued by Mikumo. Still, he chose to keep to himself and continue reading until the rest of the class got there.

Bakugo was pestering Mikumo as usual, right until Aizawa walked in.

"Bakugo, stop bullying Akatani." Aizawa deadpanned, Bakugo trying to defend himself but eventually backing off. Mikumo was forever in Aizawa's debt for that.

"Hello, Class. I need everyone to start heading to the Main Hall for school photos. No, there is no avoiding this whatsoever. Why? Because Nezu likes to see us suffer." Aizawa sighed.

Soon enough, everyone made it to the the Main Hall. They were the last ones to get their photos taken though. Aizawa stood next to a smaller woman, with light green hair and an orange bandana around her head.

"Alright everyone, this is Emi Fukukado, but you may know her as Pro-Hero Miss Joke. Aswell as being a teacher at Ketsubutsu Academy and a Hero, she has kindly agreed to be UA's photographer this year." Aizawa introduced, Miss Joke smiling brightly next to him.

"Oh, you can skip the formalities, Eraser!" Miss Joke nudged Aizawa's arm with her elbow, laughing for some reason. "Anyways, I need you all to get in line and wait til' I call you up!"

She went on, taking everyone's photos. Mikumo stayed at the back, Bakugo in tow. You see, Mikumo wasn't the biggest fan of having his photo taken. He was fine if it didn't show his face, but nonetheless was camera shy.

𝐘𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐔𝐌𝐎! ★ 𝐌𝐇𝐀 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄 𝐀𝐔 ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora