A Day In The Life Of Mikumo Akatani!

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Monday, 27th of January, 5:43 AM. Akatani Household.

'05:43 AM' the clock read. It was still quite dark outside but the sun was beginning to rise. A certain dark-haired boy was sitting at his desk, writing something down and listening to music with his headphones in.

The boy had short, fluffy unkept black hair with the faintest hint of dark purple. His bangs were long, one part covering one of his eyes while the other was held back behind his ear. His eyes were a dark crimson colour with large, dark circles under them. To finish off his signature look, he had dozens of small freckles under his eyes and over his nose.

This is our protagonist. His name: Mikumo Akatani. Also known as 'Yamikumo', by his obnoxious friend Katsuki Bakugo, or Gogo, as many people call him.

"Dammit. It's already morning." Mikumo grumbled under his breath. He had stayed up all night writing down notes and future modifications to his gadgets. However, this was normal for him. He liked drawing and writing, especially at night and in the safety of his own home where no one could bother him.

You see, Mikumo was quite gloomy for his age. He preferred to be alone in his own personal bubble. Unfortunately for him, his 'best friend' just wouldn't seem to leave him alone in that bubble, despite his many protests.

He decided to brainstorm for a few more hours until he had to get ready for school. This was basically his daily routine.

'07:03 AM' the clock flashed. Mikumo groaned as he got out of his desk chair and put on his junior-high uniform, along with an oversized cream coloured jacket over top. He didn't bother brushing his hair, as it would probably make his messy hair worse.

Like always, he decided to skip breakfast and just eat some non-branded sour candy. This was one of the things in life he cherished, besides tinkering with gadgets of course. He had a huge soft spot for sour candy, and many other confectioneries. (Don't judge him, okay?)

He then threw on his bright red sneakers, stuffed his notebook in his book bag, and left his home. He squinted slightly at the blinding light of the sunrise, but continued his way to school, eating from his seemingly endless bag of sour candy.

Mikumo's morning was going pretty calm. It was quiet, no one was bothering him, and he was eating his candy peacefully.

However, all good things must come to an end.

"YAMIKUMO!" An energetic voice called out from behind him.

'Oh, great.' He thought sarcastically.

Mikumo decided to pretend to not know the clearly insane blonde and simply keep walking. But of course, he could never outrun the most annoying person in his life, and possibly on Earth.

He was then suddenly hugged from behind, an ash-blonde boy clinging to him. He was taller than Mikumo, with bright red eyes slightly tinted with pink. In contrast to Mikumo, he had a wide grin plastered on his annoyingly cute face.

Mikumo sighed loudly, clearly not ready to deal with him this early in the day.

"Heya, Yami!" Bakugo greeted with way too much energy.

"Hi, Katsuki." He replied, annoyance in his voice.

"Aww, are you grumpy? You're so cute when you're mad at me!" Bakugo said cheerily, slinging his arm around the irritated Mikumo.

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