Come On! We're The League Of Villains, Not The League Of Jerks!

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_______,  __ of ______,  __:__ XX.  _______.

Mikumo's crimson eyes flickered open, his breath hitching as he woke up.

'Wait, where am I..?- WHAT DAY IS IT?-' Mikumo instinctively was confused, his mind racing of how long he was out for and other random questions.

He tried remembering what had happened last, but it was all pretty much a blur for him. The last thing he remembered was in the forest, and finding Uraraka and Asui and-

Oh wait.

Now he remembered.

'Hold on... there are more important things to think about right now.. I mean, sure, I'm a murderer... a sick murderer... and a terrible person... and I scarred a child for life... and... I fucking murdered someone-'

'No, no, no, no! No time to think about that.. okay, remember your training and hours of researching on google.'

'Okay, figure out your surroundings first. I need to stay calm.., and rational. Do not panic, and do not freak out..' Mikumo tried reassuring himself but failing miserably.

As much as he didn't want to admit it, he missed Bakugo. He'd usually help him stay calm in these situations. However, he couldn't linger on these thoughts for long.

He noticed he was strapped to a chair, with leather bindings holding him back from the chest and legs. There was also a weird block that his hands were in, acting as some sort of handcuff. He tried to move around in the chair, but pain instantly prevented him from doing so.

His clothes were stained with dried blood, and his head hurt too. He didn't know if his wounds were delt with, and wondered if he should still be alive due to the amount of injuries and damage he took in the forest.

He was sitting in quite a big room, the walls made out of brick and a torn All Might poster hanging on the wall. There was a large wooden counter a little to his right, with red bar stools along the side. Behind the counter was a wide assortment of alcohol bottles, neatly displayed by an illuminated shelf on the wall.

On the far end of the counter was a vintage TV, and a purple curtain next to it on the other side of the counter. There was also a jukebox on Mikumo's right, which stood against the wall and next to a door.

Wait, a door?

Mikumo could use this to his advantage! If only he could find his weapons bag...

Suddenly, there was footsteps coming closer and closer towards the purple curtain. Mikumo could also hear familiar voices getting louder and louder.

"I'm just saying, Shiggy, are you sure the Nap Time Spray we used didn't kill him? He's been unconscious for 2 days straight!"

"I'm sure it was fine! He probably just hasn't slept in a while and needed a little nap, that's all!"

"That's a really stupid reason, but okay."

"You're a stupid reason, you ill-mannered-brat!"

"That doesn't even make sense, Handy-Mandy."

"Shut up! And stop calling me those ridiculous nicknames!"

"Alright, Bad-Touch-Man."

𝐘𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐔𝐌𝐎! ★ 𝐌𝐇𝐀 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄 𝐀𝐔 ✓Where stories live. Discover now